Whispering into the Wind

Are you being paid by a government law enforcement agency to keep tabs on the people who you are following or are followed by here? It’s not the same thing.

Why do you think police usually need to get warrants to say, search someone’s house? Part of that warrant, btw, requires a reasonable belief a crime has been committed and evidence that the homeowner is connected to it. Why do you think such protections for citizens are even a thing?

What? No. Many people use Facebook without actually stalking someone. And plenty of people, not just cops, use Facebook to indeed stalk other people. It’s like you don’t know what words mean...

I think they’re still around, but they end up not being very social for those of us who can only talk with themselves.

I am a fan (I’ve just followed you, not sure why I hadn’t before), and I like your argument here, and certainly agree with the underlying conclusion, but I think it’s lacking in one way: I think what she said is objectively wrong, where as (as I take it, and please respond with your thoughts) your offered

Donald Trump Jr?

What justification can the officer have for sureveilling him for 3 years? There was no crime he was suspected of, no “active investigation”. This was stalking, plain and simple.

The DA and Courts that convicted Everett after concocting the story of a Straw Sale are worse than shady, they violate civil rights.”

That’s the best part!

You just induced a squirm in me.

I think it actually does hurt less when you can see exactly what’s happening, rather than just imagining (or trying not to imagine, I guess, I’ve never not looked).

I used to get biweekly allergy shots for about 2 years, then monthly for 2-3 years, when I was in the middle of my childhood. Always looked. Never uttered a sound.

I do not see why not.

Seen a nazi, punch it with a freeway.

I’m gonna bet all of us posting on this article will be banned by morning.

I’ve tried that. More than once. Invariably they tell me to email someone else :(

It’s amazing the number of commenters repsonding here, that I would consider easily recognizable by anyone frequenting the sites even a little bit, and in most cases commenters I admire and look forward to their posts, who are complaining about being stuck in the greys in one or another sub-site (myself included).

This is very much a comment that feels at home on Jalponik.

But who will star your comments?!