
The forced and shallow citations of various media theorists felt really weird in this piece - like I’d assigned a freshman class a paper with the requirement they cite at least four sources from the class reading, and one student just awkwardly crammed in a name-drop or ill-fitting quite every couple of paragraphs to

There are a million cheaper, nicer devices for portably playing ROMs on the go - I’d recommend the channel Retro Game Corps for some nice reviews of portable emulation devices that support ROMs out of the box, have better ergonomics and portability, and cover a wider variety of systems than this bit of kit.

MaMaybe instead of remaking an old bad Star Wars game, they could just make a new good one?

bbeA better analogy might be an escape room, which you pay to participate in, whether or not you escape in the time you’ve paid for.

I love Yuasa, but DevilMan Crybaby lost me when our ostensible hero r-pes a female villain to death and there is never, ever any reckoning with the fact that our protagonist is a violent r-pist.

I can’t dismiss Heard’s accounts as a victim of abuse. I also can’t dismiss the accounts of the victims of Heard’s abusive behavior, who are also women.

The 93 movie was made by ambitious, visionary pop artists at the top of their game. This movie is made by the minions people. There’s no way this film will be as weird or as much fun as the old movie.

And considering Mario was inspired by Popeye, a character who mostly just incoherently mumbles to himself while setting up visual gags, a more artful filmmaker could totally have made a little-dialogue film work.

Japanese-lookinAnime is just another word for animation, sure. Though you do open the piece talking about how you and your “weeby” colleagues were excited about it, indicating you were using the term to describe a specifically Japanese or Japan-inspired animated project.

Now playing

The (excellent) YouTube channel Game Assist did a really interesting critical deep dive on representations of sex work in games, including a section examining the Huniepop games described here.

The (true) idea that all art making involves remix and appropriation doesn’t erase the existence of power structures and questions of ethics.

Complete false equivalence. Knives have uses other than for killing. A gun is a killing device, that, when used as intended, kills. More guns = more killing. Plenty of countries have similar “societal behavior issues,” but they don’t result in massacres like this because the person typically can’t get a hold of a

Just fuck guns.

Diversity is the shallowest, but also most visible and quantifiable, facet of a comprehensive approach to the diversity, equity, and inclusion necessary to achieve anything resembling social justice. It seems pretty clear that Activision/Blizzard is focusing on diversity because it’s a.) easier than addressing their

Both of those statements are demonstrably, obviously false.

But isn't it super healthy to assume that men are incapable of emotionally intimate close friendships with each other and that any intimacy between men MUST have a sexual component? That sounds TOTALLY NOT rooted in retrograde and essentialist notions of gender.

Whoever wrote th headline: The $12 million figure isn’t a fact yet, it’s a hypothetical outcome floated by the author. At present the headline is grossly misreporting the content.

A multicultural coalition joined by a love of video games and past (Austria) and present (Israel) campaigns of ethnic cleansing! How progressive of them!

Calling anyone an ableist slur, particularly someone you have power over, is 100% “toxic behavior” and the fact that you can’t recognize that makes me feel sorry for anyone that works with you, and any disabled or neurodivergent person who has to interact with you.

Independent artists tend to be more principled than humongous corporations.