
blah blah blah blah....ta ta bitch

hahahah you people are gonna shit a brick when alex jones comes back! 

you article fails. If anything reading it will red pill people. Thanks.

Your joint media attacks against Elon Musk show your weakness and eventual extinction from the media. Good luck being irrelevant pretty soon.

Stop with the race bating! 

Kind of tells you where the country stands where the senators that voted against justice Kavanaugh lost their state races...

Seriously? they are long because of high voter turn out meaning democracy IS working. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. 

All you need is to have watched the Red Wedding #MAGA

??? and this is illegal or controversial how??? last time I checked it was antifa that likes to create and cause violence.

make that south american native dna LOL

What a racist looking group of multicultural immigrants doing the white power God do they not know any bounds?!?!