The Gipper

Uh, wait, where are the quotes of the Twitterers? The merits of the opinion excepted, it seems super lazy to not pull together the tweets and comments and present them here...

unpopular opinion. these articles are trash click bait. the vast majority of people (men women whatever) could not care less about these few morons on twitter, but articles like this keep giving them a bigger voice, thus leading to them being more outspoken, in an endless cycle of stupid.  

Wait, are you saying men who don’t like Captain Marvel, the actress, the character, and/or the scene are misogynist? By default?

What about when Doctor Strange refused to perform surgery on a patient for fear of screwing up his record?

Shit article 

I feel like the Dr. strange analogy just isn't correct. They used him not performing surgery as a way to show character growth. Also when you said she twisted his hand...she literally threatened to rip it off or crush it. Just because he talked to her rudely. I'm sure you would write an article about how awful it is

Ah, the classic Gawker outrage post format:

That’s the thing. I genuinely liked most of The Last Jedi. I think it was good, and it told an interesting story. (It was also beat for beat, Empire Strikes back.) I liked what it tried to do.

Yup, Captain Marvel has joined the list of Ghostbusters 2016 and The Last Jedi of movies that finding any criticism will get people shouting misogyny or declaring that you like them “well youre just a SJW.

I hate that jackasses have once again hijacked a conversation around a film that could have used improvement, but not for the reason of the main character being a woman. It’s because the movie needed some work. It’s mid-tier Marvel. I wish we could have a real conversation about it’s real flaws without these jackasses


The latest info involves George Joannides, who handled the anti-Castro Cubans in Florida and the ones who had a run-in with Oswald in New Orleans in ‘63. He was also the liaison between the CIA and the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s, even though the CIA was specifically charged with not using

Gonna co-sign on this. There is so much shady shit around the JFK assassination.