
The first one isn’t a cgi trailer... It’s in game footage like the rest.

Not a huge Star Wars fan(forgive me) so I wasn’t aware that the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit was on the side like that. I wonder how flying a ship like that would be in reality when you have like 8 15 meters of ship to your left that you can’t see.

With so many people(basically the entire fucking gaming community) wanting to see the series continue, why the fuck doesn’t Valve just get one it? I guess there’s no way to know that they haven’t already gotten on it, but it’s been so damn long that there’s really just no way to know and it’s getting to the point

I grew up with DBZ as many of us have. DBZ has always been, and might always be, my favorite anime of all time. However, with these recent adaptions to the franchise, Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!(I’m just going to call it DB:YO), Battle of Gods, and Resurrection of F, I’m not sure how to feel

Lol. I think it would be great if they just made a tip jar feature. Mods would be free, but mod creators could still earn from appreciative downloaders.

Someone on youtube(Couldn’t find the video again) suggesting using a tip jar rather than giving modders the option to charge anything. If you like a mod, you can give a tip of whatever amount. This pricing system just sounds like an invitation for assholes to make modding into a despicable market. The tip jar idea

Luke Plunkett, I swear, we could probably be good friends if we met in the real world. I’m always finding you to be the one posting the best shit.

Still haven’t gotten around to playing this. Got a long list of games I need to play. Just started AC3 last night lol.

Her old mouth looked really cool, really grim. Her new mouth looks ugly as shit. Somehow it reminds me of a tribal black woman(yea, maybe I’m just weird as shit lol). Maybe it’s just because she could be speaking, idk, but her lips are really low from her nose, adding to the weirdness. With the lips closed, the teeth

I don’t know why it has to be so easily and carelessly thrown around. I haven’t seen the movie yet, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has not yet had the privilege. Not one advertisement that I’ve seen for this film has included it. SO WHY THE FUCK DO I KEEP SEEING PICTURES OF BLUE SAIYAN HAIR!?!!?!?!??! For fuck

You’re awesome!

They didn’t disrupt shit all. They waited till they could ask questions and so they did. They were discussing women’s rights, so it WAS a very valid opportunity to also bring up men’s rights. I’m not an MRA, but I fucking hate this one sided bullshit. Get more from both sides than just a couple of tweets and a fucking

How many characters are in each faction? I don’t own the game yet, but if I’m not mistaken, Sub-Zero is the only Lin-Kuei character in the game. How do faction wars work exactly?

The one anime I always recommend to people who are considering watching some is Death Note. Death Note is not too weird at all, very down to earth in comparison to most anime, easy to understand, and really fucking cool for anyone(not just anime fans). I'd also recommend Full Metal Alchemist and maybe Akira... maybe.

I have Dark Souls 1 on Steam, but have yet to play it. I haven’t played any of the other games either. I’m someone who often sucks at a lot of games and gets really pissed off when shit ain’t going good for me and I’m becoming frustrated. Yet for some reason, ever since I’d first heard of this series when Dark Souls 1

Once a key is submitted to steam and people get their game, should there not be a process involving the original account’s consent in switching the key from one account to another?

I know, it’s not there anymore though, at least for me it’s not.

Why can I not edit my fucking post? God damn it Kotaku, I need an edit button for when I fuck up.

Have yet to play this game. Got it in my Steam library so... soon.

I remember playing Afro Samurai and seeing how people got cut up in that game. I'm not sure that this beats that. One thing I'll never forget about Afro Samurai is when I got an achievement for cutting a guy's finger off. I didn't see it happen, but I saw the achievement and laughed.