That’s a really cool way to go. I hope the game remembers the results of your choices as it goes on. Every tragedy should be a scar on your character’s soul.
That’s a really cool way to go. I hope the game remembers the results of your choices as it goes on. Every tragedy should be a scar on your character’s soul.
Kotaku must have a lot of free time.
Sounds like more bullshit about devs changing their content because people can’t get a grip. Even if it is 2015 as the one twitter quote states, what the fuck does that have to do with the time that this game clearly takes place in where this attitude would have been completely understandable?
All of the X-Rays are so ridiculous that they become hilarious.
I think the song worked fine. When watching regular tv rather than netflix, a good commercial like this would be one hell of a treat.
One time on Halo Reach I entered a mach with a friend as guest. The two other guys on my team quit almost instantly and my guest stopped playing after a couple minutes. It was me vs a team of 4. I ran at them, they ran at me. Somehow I ended up getting myself surrounded by them and I was wrecking them like nothing. It…
Did you misinterpret "follow" for "worship"? I meant that I watch videos when they're uploaded, that's all. I said to look at both sides didn't I? I also said that there are trolls everywhere, I should have also included idiots because that's what people who argue about religion are. Again, I don't give a fuck if…
I'm genuinely impressed with this. It actually looks realistic from far away. I used to wonder what the point of making stuff in Minecraft was when you could make exactly what you want with 3D software. It's like I just had an epiphany, I can finally see Minecraft for the artistic tool that it is. I don't know why it…
Anita doesn't do a whole lot of "attacking" but she is still a key representative for feminists. There have been several accounts of her lying to get ahead. Also, Anita may be trying to merely identify these tropes, but some of these radicals will try and rip these trope creators a new asshole. They are ruthless. Of…
I was using the definition I found on google, but didn't think to actually look up existentialism. Sorry about that. What I meant by it was that I like to look at everything while asking why evolution or the universe made it so. I'm not trying to be a deep philosopher or anything like that, it's just a really logical…
When did I say I was neutral? I said I support gamer gate, but I'm not closely involved in their endeavors. I watch videos, that's about it, I guess that could give me classification anyway though. I've discussed the topic with maybe two other people other than you, I'm not much of an activist is all I mean.
I've been following this internet war of feminism vs gamergate for a few months now. I've seen a lot of stuff one both sides. Things that stick out to me the most is how incredibly corrupt a lot of the feminist side is. The gamers aren't perfect, but they always want a discussion, they always respond to critique, they…
Regardless if you understood what I meant, I still fucked up my grammar and thus corrected it.
I'm not even going to bother reading the article. Shit like this is just stupid. It's an M rated game which tried for M rated portrayals. Considering the type of stuff we see in the game other than that insignificant line, it's much more immature of them to even think they need to censor it.
Really cool. I think it would be perfect with adjustable length. I prefer to have my keyboard and mouse farther away than that when I'm on the couch. That might just be because I have my hand on the couch though.
I am talking about the specific sexual qualities. Which orifice you use to urinate is irrelevant to this topic.
Wow, I fucked up my grammar on that last line. "I think swimming, which technically is unnatural, would be a better comparison than dancing. Maybe that statement can shed some light on my true intention?" There ya go.
It must seem like I'm becoming fake or something. I've been losing a lot of sleep over the past few days so I'm sorry for not being able to keep complete track of this conversation. I really just didn't know what else to say, so I asked that question.