
At the moment, feminists are focusing on gaming, at least a significant amount of them are. What bothers me so much about it is that most of it is based on bullshit. If you talk to a random feminist who is taking part in this gaming focus, there's a good chance they'll say that games are "sexist in general", that's in

Well, I'm interested, what would you say or at least hypothesize the scientific purpose of sexuality is? Maybe you could provide a source?

I'm sorry if it seemed I was implying that, but no, I wasn't. I wasn't talking about an individual game, I was talking about gaming in general which is the target of this feminist movement.

Vive is my personal favorite so far. Coolest name, and it's made by Valve. That's really all of my reasoning, I haven't been following the VR stuff too much. Oculus lost me at facebook.

Shit, is that sarcasm? I'm trying to be genuine here.

Did you read my full comment before replying? We seem to have the same opinion more or less. I think games can be whatever devs want them to be about. I simply don't like people saying what something should be like if they didn't even make it.

Actually I think the subconscious is one of our most interesting and possible most complex aspects. We each understand the world around us so differently based on our very random first impression of it.

Seeing that line quoted, I see how you might have misinterpreted it's purpose. I really hope you got what I was trying to say.

I can only relay that back to you.

Isn't there an edit button? Why make two replies?

Lol, ok. Care to make a counter argument? I'm always down for a discussion.

I agree. I don't give a fuck what people want to do with their lives, but still, the idea of a dude with another dude seems weird to me. In progressive socialism or whatever the fuck you want to call it, I can understand why people might call that bigotry or insensitivity or whatever, but thinking realistically, dick

The main issue here is that games don't really need to be apart of the real fucking world. In fact, in most cases, they probably shouldn't. This might piss you off, but that's not what gaming's about. Sure, it can be about that, but it can also be about whatever the fuck else you want it to be about. Saying gaming as

I personally prefer the first one. I'm not even the type of guy who would be in a conversation like that, I just prefer people who don't take shit too seriously. Also, the context implies that the game is focused toward males, it also implies that "tits" is not a completely common thing because they are getting

This feminist movement in general is trying to filter the kind of content which appears in games as a whole it seems. This seems like a direct result of that influence.

I don't think my comment, nor the discussion's being had here have gone anywhere near Godwin's Law. Of course there would be people with opposing views here because we're all fucking human and we want to defend our sides. I think my comment was pretty light in comparison to what someone else might have typed.

The "more males in the audience" thing is more of a publisher thing I think. It's about money. They know that teens will play and they want to attract as many people as possible. Most adults won't be turned away from the game because of this.

Back when I played the game, I never really focused on the way the game was advertised or what bs you could make from customization. I did customize characters, but I usually wanted something I thought was cool. I was still a kid back then, now I'm 19 and have no interest in the DoA series, so I think I'm probably not

I've played DoA 4, I've played it quite a bit actually. I don't remember it being bad at all really. I also remember the spin off games which actually focused on a beach setting, they weren't fighting games, but rather really weird beach sport games which focused only on the female characters. I feel like that is what

I didn't read the article before my original post so I was coming from a misunderstanding. Although your example isn't really accurate either. Disney focuses on kids, where as DoA is an M rated game. They can do whatever the hell they want within their own event though so whatever.