GamerGate is mostly a twitter thing, I'm not really a twitter guy. My biggest contribution to gamer gate is my participation in youtube chat sections of videos from GGers which I'm subscribed to. Not much of an activist.
GamerGate is mostly a twitter thing, I'm not really a twitter guy. My biggest contribution to gamer gate is my participation in youtube chat sections of videos from GGers which I'm subscribed to. Not much of an activist.
One thing I can say for sure is that this rule is just stupid. The entire concern is pathetic. I didn't take the time to read the article when I made my post earlier, I was just going off of what someone else said in a video, it seems the person who made the video was misinformed as well. If this is an event, I highly…
What the fuck...? What are you talking about man? I'm being cryptic? I made a statement? What the hell did you read?
Perhaps I'm in the wrong crowed right now then? I'm not a member of GamerGate, but I do support them. What is it if not what the quote said?
Sup with this square box resolution?
That last one... Hot chick to really good Clark Kent?
I love Halo, it's my favorite game series. This is too much though. I'm not mad at 343, just Microsoft. 343 asked for more time, Microsoft said no. I don't even have the game, I don't even have an xbox one, and I won't have any of these items for a long long time. However, this still pisses me off because they're…
More interested in Geometry Wars 3 than taking screenshots on Xbone.
I remember even when I was playing the game I barely knew what was going on. All I really remember now is that the aliens had invaded during the gap between games. I don't remember how the enemy aliens from the first game became friendlies, and I have no damn clue where that massive mechanical wall came from.
I somewhat disagree, but somewhat don't care. I'd like to have the look and feel of the comics in their classicness with this movie, which is kind of what these movies are about. If the new guy were to be black, I think he should at least maintain the red and blue costume.
I don't see what would be wrong with using Garfield's spider man. Did this deal just screw over Garfield's career? Or will he still have his own movies? Considering his movies had an entire career path with the sinister six.
I don't really like gaming on a smartphone, nor have I ever cared for Nintendo games. But playing Nintendo games on a smartphone? Well shit, even I'd go for that.
Wow, costumes hardly ever look that good even on tv. Good shit!
Wow, that is amazing. It's really cool that we have a person of such moral principle as one of the most prominent people in gaming.
I'm more impressed by the earth's ability to make such incredible mountains.
Oh shit! Well that clears things up. lol
The idea of a wood-people race is actually pretty cool. They'd have to be really creepy and not live like regular people though. An artificial society? Some elf mage got lonely and decided to be king of his own shit?
The short dude being the hair sticking up in the side of the pic you posted. The short dude standing next to the anthropomorphic cat lady. The short dude with hair which looks like a cartoonized version of ex-youtube celebrity Ray William Johnson's hair.
Is the short dude supposed to be Ray William Johnson?
If this guy doesn't have a job, he needs one... NOW! THE INDUSTRY NEEDS HIM!!!