
I respect and in some ways even envy these massive communities that are able to get so into one game and practically live for it. I myself however find it very hard to stick to any one game, perhaps simply because I have not yet found a "service" game which fits me. I've tried LoL and Dota 2 and I sucked at both, not

Looking at how the pieces sit over the core, and what the core actually is, I have no damn clue how this thing works. I didn't really listen to what the guy was saying, I skipped through the video.

Fucking Jesus! I can't wait to see what this guy's involved in.

As cool as the idea of zombies being able to keep up with a parkour using runner is, I think this would get really annoying in game. Maybe only some zombies can do this? Or maybe this wouldn't be such a painfully long Chase if the guy simply had a weapon?

Well yea. It was just an idea lol.

That's not really what I was referring to. I'm referring to if devs took one of the most significant parts of their stories and just switched it up. A girl becomes a boy, or a hero becomes a villain, or a blue guy becomes a red guy. They would still be defined, we would just get an alternative take on them.

Just from an alternative point of view, it would be cool to have options like this in video games. Not so much for the sake of playing how you want to play, but rather to see similar circumstances unfolding in different ways. It would be interesting to see how the story might change once you have male versions of the

Thing is, photoshop skills aren't a big thing. It's more of photoshop knowledge. To draw good in photoshop, you need to draw good in general. Photoshop just gives you the tools to go crazy. You also need one of them drawing tablets to really get into it. That's what I'm currently in need of. I'm also learning to use

In my college program we are just starting to learn to draw with photoshop. I CAN'T WAIT TO MAKE THIS KIND OF SHIT!!!

I'm surprised by how much I agree with this guy. GTA SHOULD be a clever satire of the real world. It seems like people today are far too afraid of ridiculous law suits to pull it off, but that is really holding back GTA's potential. I've played quite a few of the GTA games and I've never really cared at all for the

I always thought clerks checked the stuff themselves before even accepting the return. I'm actually disappointed it's not like that, it really makes no sense for the store not to cover the inspection themselves. Even if the item is in the box, it should even be tested right then and there.

I find some of the things he says funny, but he's overal just annoying and obnoxious as shit. The way he manipulates his voice is painful to listen to. The childish, immature style of humor is probably the worst part for me. If he wasn't aiming at little kids, I could probably get in to his videos.

Never bought it. I cant aford new games atm, but I wouldn't buy Destiny unless it were 10$. The game interested me until trailers started coming out for it. It went from endless possibilities in a new sci fi rom the makers of halo, to some cheesy, generic, shooting fest with dancing and friends.

I think the 360's trigger and bumpers functioned better. It was easier to press them before. Now the triggers feel weird in the way they''re big enough for your finger to be almost entirely rapped around it, and there is a small struggle in using the bumper. I've only used the one's controller a handful of times

I'm more interested in this new 3D view port than the content itself. When did this become a thing? Imagine what could be done with this if it were taken farther!

The petition for this bullshit was horrible. I only saw one sentence of it and God damn, if a corporation is going to bend over to such misinformed ignorance, then fuck them. The sentence basically said that gtaV promotes violence against women. They don't deserve to sell content that they don't even take the time to

I didn't know that this was a thing. A massive gaming event with a history, where people bring their own rigs and game together. Amazing. Where and when is Dreamhack held?

I've never thrown a controller, but I have thrown a battery pack for a controller - it shattered. I've smashed my desktop keyboard many times - never to the point of breaking though, the enter key may have fallen out a few times though. I was tempted a couple of times to smash my laptop keyboard, but fuck no, this

Gears of war was nonsense? Both UT and Gears are great games.

I think it's extreme to imply that they will never release it.