So this took 103 hours and 30 minutes of actual rendering? Jesus fucking Christ!
So this took 103 hours and 30 minutes of actual rendering? Jesus fucking Christ!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure many asian cultures use a lot more symbolism than most other cultures. This could be somewhat of a traditional way of getting messages across.
That's actually pretty cool. Although for some idiots, this could be provoking. Some people might throw garbage over the cliff just to see these guys dressed as spider man have to get the stuff. I've met a few too many people who I could see being like this.
Anyone know how I might stand with a GTX 870m?
My biggest pet peeve with pc games. Why do they need to do that? It's my computer, not the game's developer's. If I want to see who's messaging me on facebook, I shouldn't have to leave the damn game to do it. The worst part is when you go to ctrl+alt+delete, select task manager, and as soon as you see your desktop,…
Wow, ok, play that card. The main reason I sucked in school as a little kid was because I didn't try in any sense of the word.
Did you not read my previous comment? That would make sense considering you never replied to it.
Ok, you beat one of my points. What about the rest of them?
Are you a child psychologist or something? It's a game, the devs are not trying to start a fucking crusade against humanity.
You've clearly missed the point. They are not spreading hatred at all... well maybe if the player is a sociopathic kid with issues. But I'd say this is the type of game that parents can not fuck around with. Unless they have a smart kid that won't be influenced by it, their kid shouldn't be playing it. To someone who…
Shadow of mordor, Ryse, Wolfenstein, Titanfall, and black flag are the ones I want to play. No clue when I'll be getting a xbox again, for now u got my laptop and batman. Hopefully soon ill have skyrrim. I'd rather play assassin's creed games on pc actually. This post is braught to you by bordum in class.
It doesn't have to be perfect on every level to effect someone. I thought it had some power to it despite how "lacking" it was. You don't know what the situation was, it seemed to me like they all had a pretty good understanding of the situation. Some would make it, others would not, it was a fair system, or at least…
OMG! Seriously?! Wow! You are an ignorant asshole! Get off your high horse you stuck up atheist, holy shit. It takes one hell of a piece of shit to call a turban unrealistic. You fucking disgust me. I don't think I've ever been this pissed off at one person's comment before. Shit like this is really becoming too damn…
"Out of hand", "crazy", "insane"? All fucking understatements. This goes above and beyond. I'm more than baffled, I'm more than disgusted, I don't even know what words to use here, but now I'm genuinely pissed off. Jesus Christ! What the Fuck is happening to people? How the fuck does anyone even deal with this shit?…
I was going to read that. But I got a few paragraphs in before I realized it's long enough to be a damn novel.
I'm baffled by this. Damn, that is some crazy shit.
Sometimes I wish I was born just a few hundred years later. We're in a period of boundless fantastical imaginations, yet no actual realizations in sight. Thank God I'm going into animation. I think I'm going to have some serious fun with these kind of skills.
Never heard of scrap metal art before, but damn it looks awesome.
Is it normal for a 1080p video to cause a laptop temp go into the high 60s of C? I'd like to clean my fan, it was a display model so I assume there is dust on it, but I'm afraid of ripping some sticker and voiding my warranty. Though, I'm not sure that my warranty depends on me not opening the laptop or not.
Really sad shit. Another peace of childhood is coming to an end. Well, I won't feel this until a good year from now or more cause I'm watching the english dub. I don't always watch english dubs, but when I start an anime in english, it's really hard to make the switch.