
And this is why I'm going into animation.

A lot of good indie games are starting to take the spot light. No Man's Sky, that other game which I can't remember the name; you control the direction of civilization from sort of an orbital perspective of a small virtual world, and this game!

Why not actually check out their youtube channel?

I have a hard time seeing how anything on a s team can actually make you scream. I'll jump on a jump scare, that's about it.

I'm not sure if you're trying to contradict me or if you're agreeing with me. I did mention cartoon-like graphics benefiting from this.

You fall into the category of collector that I mentioned before. Just cause you still have your stuff doesn't mean everyone else has what they need to play whatever they want.

I was referring to that amazement you get when you see the stunning reflections of a city street in the rain the first time you see bf3. Sure, we'll be able to create still, bit we won't be as surprised when we see things, cause we already know there aren't any limits.

I'm one of those people who love to see better and better graphics. I see video games as an escape to a fantasy, devoid of our own reality, but within that fantasy, it is it's own reality. I like immersion. Not only does graphical improvement show how realistic we can make things, it also shows how much more we can

Reminds me of Saints Row.

Is it so hard to understand what I mean? How easy will it be for you to access x console in x years? People will always have a computer in their house, at least until some incredibly intelligent person creates something even better. We will always have these extremely useful multi-functional, and multi-tasking devices

You've ignorantly missed my point. Will you be able to find your favorite xbox one game 40 years from now? Maybe, but even if you do, will you still have an xbox one to play it on? Will you have a computer in your house? If you're like the rest of us who have technology based life styles, probably.

I didn't say every game HAS to be on pc, I said it would be nice if every game would eventually be downloadable from pc.

I don't think these qualify as mechs. But they are cool.

High Charity.

I would have pre-ordered this right when it was first announced if I could. But no, instead I have to be a financially struggling first-year college student who still hasn't gotten the damn laptop he needs.

I think you misinterpreted what I meant. PC in general is always being updated. New hardware is always coming out. Your PC might become obsolete, but that's why you buy a new one. How long of a period does it take for you to jump from one PC to another? Not long, computers have been integrated into society, so for

I think it takes a pretty damn weird sense of style to have them driving that fancy car through that desert or whatever it is. The game looks absolutely amazing though. Do FF games come to pc? If it does, my new laptop might be able to run it, just maybe though. I kind of doubt it actually. Hope.

I've never liked the idea of these random location transactions. Why would anyone even think about using a gun in a struggle over a fucking console?

With the power of mods, can't any game be put on pc? We have emulators and what not. I think it would be really cool if all games were put on pc after a few years. Consoles become old and obsolete, but pc will always be around. For people who want to play a game on a really old system, it wont be impossible.

Wow, this makes me want to line up just for the sake of keeping this guy company. I couldn't get a new console right now if my life depended on it.