Giovanni McFarlane Fitzpatrick

Very simple.

CoD on a Sony console makes Sony a bunch of money. There are two alternatives to that situation, neither of which is financially beneficial for Sony.

1. Sony pisses off Microsoft, who ends up completing the deal, and keeps CoD off of Sony consoles. Arguably everybody loses in this situation, but Sony loses

I agree.

When you consider the degree in which Europe was attacked, terrorized, and intermixed with people from Northern Africa, Asia, and the Levant during the period (which consisted of nearly 1000 years, from the fall of Rome until the beginning of the Renaissance), the usage of the term “Medieval” is


FF7R had the gut to change the story of one of gamings all time classics

The show almost has to be satirical, but it’s clear that Levinson and The Weeknd are playing things absolutely straight (even though I wouldn’t be surprised if they see the reviews and later come out and say the absurdity and campiness was all intentional ala Mommie Dearest).

It’s unintentionally campy in a way that we

If you disagree, give us some examples. Let’s see how many were basically badly programmed. If you even know enough to come up with any, which I rather doubt.

Counterpoint, the most compelling part of FFXII (aside from the side quests presuming you had a strategy guide or a good internet connection), was the battle system. In fact, it’s the last battle system of any mainline FF game that I’ve enjoyed, because the most recent ones are too action-focused.

You’re not alone.

FFVIII is my absolute favorite. It’s the first one I ever played, and I enjoyed the setting of a starting off in a military boarding school. I also think it told a fish-out-of-water story pretty well, especially with how Squall choose to process (or not process) his emotions with increasingly odd

I’m one of the people who really, really enjoyed XII.

However, it had three problems (especially the initial release for PS2).

1. Some of the side quests were so obscure (and the map system was fucking terrible), that unless you had a strategy guide, there’s no way that a normal player would be able to even start them,

True, but if the foundational difference between a Confederate America versus a Union America is slavery, and you remove that, what’s the impetus for the nations to remain independent of one another? There aren’t so significant of differences between the two potential nations to keep them at loggerheads unless you

This is very true.

However, I don’t think we know the scope, contract-wise, about either the degree of input that GRRM has, and more importantly, whatever potential veto power he has over narrative decisions made that Weiss, Benioff, or higher-ups at HBO. So while he bears some responsibility, given the changes to the

You should’ve seen the two I edited out. Found myself theory-crafting a more suitable end to GoT haha

I had something much, much longer, written, but I’ll condense it as to why I don’t think Confederate, if made, would’ve worked from a narrative standpoint.

1. Assuming that chattel slavery would still be a thing, it isn’t self-sufficient, requires constant slave trade, and the reality of the world by the Civil War is

My parents (never married) split when I was around 2 or 3, and I lostmy father when I was 9. My mother later told me that they came to the realization that they made better friends than they did partners in a relationship.

I didn’t realize how fortunate their realization was until I got older and met enough friends

You’re more than welcome. Not in the military myself, but I have a lot of friends and family members who are, and it’s been almost universally a benefit to them long-term. They certainly have their complaints, but the one thing that is universal are the long-term financial benefits aside for salary that you accrue.

While the pay in the military is rather low until you become an officer, there are a lot of secondary and tertiary financial benefits that directly and indirectly bump that pay up.

Hell, the fact the military essentially comps your housing even for staying off-base is a big plus, especially since it’s based on the

I can certainly understand how it could possibly be a bit tactless, but to preface with not having heard the podcast, it’s probably unlikely that Rita volunteered the information without being prodded via questioning from the host.

Also, the statement appears to be Rita’s perspective of the situation. I’m sure Tom has

Or, there’s a very good chance that, in adulthood, he realized that his parents might’ve made better friends (or at least co-parents) than people in an active relationship with one another.

That in no way casts any aspersion onto Samantha or Tom, but I’m rather strongly of the opinion that parents who stay in a bad

I don’t even think it’s the nudity, or the sex, or the sheer licentiousness of it.

The fundamental issue is this: neither of the main characters are captivating enough to either root for or against.

Any character-driven story, in order to be successful, must inspire an emotional response in the viewer to either root for

Gotta finish a bunch of other shit first (and go to a few festivals in the interim) haha

Extras (particularly non-union ones) are relatively inexpensive. You can also don’t need thousands to replicate a music festival or a rave (a crowd of 500 people, shot at a specific angle, can look absolutely massive).

A basic setup that takes into account a music festival/rave setting can consist of, in essence, three