Giovanni McFarlane Fitzpatrick

Very true.

Not only that, but there’s an issue with how modern-day horror movies try to nullify the power of a cell phone and wireless internet. Instead of going through these convoluted means to get people (many of whom would never otherwise go to these places) in remote areas, or have the villain(s) be tech geniuses,

I really liked you’re next, but it’s emblematic of one of my main points (in fact, two of them).

Cell phones almost necessitate a deeply rural location, and to magnify that, a villain (or villains) who take into account other communication possibilities aside from cell phones. It begs the question, then, if they’re

One of the common refrains, that is certainly understandable from a narrative point of view, is that the overwhelming presence of cell phones makes certain types of movies (namely thrillers, horror, and mystery whodunits) nearly untenable without certain contortions and contrivances.

You’re either forced to have the

The one thing I hope for is either they get rid of automatic homologation, or at least make it optional.

One of the joys of older games was actively tweaking a vehicle that you wouldn’t think would be competitive in a particular race/series through various upgrades (or simply becoming a better driver with that

Yeah. I couldn’t find anything that said that New Vegas was going to be originally PC-only.

However, there’s a lot of information that 1. The development-to-release cycle was only 18 months and 2. Obsidian didn’t know the game engine and needed outside help that Bethesda didn’t provide enough of (since they were

I’m not one to use the “but he/she/they are young and immature and don’t have life experiences” argument...but to play devil’s advocate.

Zion was one of, if not the, highest recruited high school basketball players during his time. He decides to go to Duke, arguably the premier college basketball program (and Coach K

I’m biased.

My top 5 are 1. Kiss 2. Erotic City 3. When Doves Cry 4. Darling Nikki 5. Black Sweat.

Batdance and Partyman are in the top 10. Purple Rain is one of those songs that’s absolutely amazing for a live performance, but I’ve never cared for it as a casual listen.

I played for a number of years (starting with the Beta), but I haven’t gone back since pre-Covid.

One of the fundamental issues it had is that, for how good the individual stories were, it felt like they began to break down once you got to endgame. Moving from a very much personal story, to one where you’re merely a

There’s also the reality of opportunity costs, as well as short-term thinking.

Long-running MMOs can be cash-cows, but the ones who make the most money either do so through a large subscriber base (WOW, FFXIV), large paid expansions that result in both a high return of players, as well as a significant short-term cash

OG7 had two places which could easily serve as breakpoints considering that this has already been said to be a trilogy: Nibelheim or Temple of the Ancients/City of the Ancients. That being said, it’s entirely dependent on how they do travel this time around. If they manage to include the Tiny Bronco, I’d expect the

Not that I have any skin in the game (don’t know Gadsby, don’t care much for Picasso), but given the requirements for such an exhibit to occur (1. Small gallery 2. Have works of Picasso as part of their collection 3. Would want Gadsby to do her “thing”), one of those three things would have to be sacrificed in order

He threatened Paul Gauguin (a friend of his) with a straight razor, and one can’t forget that he handed his severed ear to a 17-year old girl who worked at a brothel his frequented..

Van Gogh was already doing very problematic things well before he killed himself. Whether or not they were part and parcel to his mental

With how it’s framed, my question would be is the $650k the entirety of the profit for all of the partners (the family, John, and Rastelli), or is it simply the share for the family.

If it’s the share for the family, based upon John and Rastelli getting 35%, with the family keeping 65%, that $650k is around a 5.5%

$650k from $18m in gross sales is a roughly 3.6% profit for all profit participants. That seems low, but without further details (such as their costs and pricing strategy), you can’t really assume any skullduggery. My guess is that because they’re offering a niche product, food processing costs have increased

It was absolutely brilliant.

It showed perfectly how deluded Roman (and to a lesser extent, Kendall) were to the political realities. They truly believed it was a wag-the-dog situation, where their support for Mencken with the early Wisconsin and Arizona calls would result in his unabated support once he’s in office.

I’m biased because I played VIII first, but every one until XIII seemed simple to follow, with caveats.

VIII: Boarding school kids/orphans are trained to act as mercenaries because their parents are either all dead or just don’t care. Time travelling sorceresses complicate things, so everybody decides to play cards.


Okay. Either you’re not actually watching the show, or you just don’t understand the nature of the Waystar-GoJo deal and why Roman and Kendall want Mencken to scuttle it.

Take care.

Mencken asked for ATN to call the election and in exchange, he wouldn’t kill the deal, not that they would preemptively do it to curry favor with him.

We might be talking cross-purposes here.

Jimenez wasn’t going to quit. ATN calling Wisconsin and Arizona (and thus the election) for Mencken was designed to curry favor for him since they believe that he’d be more apt to kill the Waystar-GoJo deal than Jimenez would (especially since they already know that Shiv is in

The thing about Gore and Florida is that Florida was called before the polls closed, and was called for Gore. The news retracted it, then called it for Bush. That’s when Gore initially conceded, then when the news retracted it again (“too close to call”), Gore took back his concession.

Further, just like a news entity