Giovanni McFarlane Fitzpatrick

I agree.

Aside from Ewan’s speech and Caroline being Caroline, this was very much the falling action (and as good as Kieran Culkin is, I didn’t buy his crying).

As I was saying to someone earlier, I can’t imagine that they’d write and make notable what will clearly be a contested election (arguably on the level, if not

The idea is that the premature call in Wisconsin will give Mencken a leg up in the court proceedings, because ruling for Jimenez would be “overturning” the election.

I’m still giving it to Odenkirk.

The issue for Culkin is that him, Strong, and Snook might get nominated for Best Actor (like last year when Cox and Strong were nominated), so that might split the vote.

While you should never say never, I can’t imagine a show like Better Call Saul get perhaps 50+ Emmy nominations over 6

And instead it felt like he’d spent all week writing and rehearsing it for this contingency.

Working in and around politics, being a gay Democrat myself, and knowing a lot of progressives who either dislike or are apathetic towards Buttigieg, it honestly has very little to do with his blandness or any perception that he isn’t performatively “gay” enough.

It’s almost entirely the fact that Buttigieg is an

To take two recent movies: The Whale and Titane.

The Whale was one of the most viscerally uncomfortable movies I’ve ever watched, and aside from Brendan Fraser’s performance, seemed a bit hackneyed (his character rising into heaven on a beam of light at the end verged into parody.)

Titane was just absurd for the sake of

As a writer, it would be nearly impossible to judge the qualitative aspects of non-creative writing without standardized rules, especially when you consider the variances at play not just between grade levels, school districts, and entire states, but also within those places. You would end up with countless situations

Most people intelligent enough to have a PhD really ought to have a general understanding of how to test a hypothesis correctly. It’s really just basic critical thinking and analysis. If he didn’t know how to do basic critical thinking and analysis, how the hell did he manage to get a PhD?

The thing is that ChatGPT (and many of the other AI programs) work by the inputting of bulk data by human beings. It’s doubtless that one or more of those people simply transcribed (or uploaded) the Declaration of Independence (along with a host of other important written and spoken works) into the AI.

What we’re

If someone is bad at writing, but good at all of those other things, the grade is going to reflect the writing. Said person could be more than capable of giving a 4 hour lecture on the subject and demonstrate all of those things, but well they didn’t write the paper well so a poor grade they get.

The reason why real life gore is disconcerting is specifically because it doesn’t look like anything you see in movies and media (which is where most people get their exposure to gore, viscera, and representations of the dead). In fact, it’s the uncanny valley: we instinctively recognize real gore as a innate defense

I am curious how he actually promoted these vehicles. Sounds like he mainly abused his relationships to trick people into not questioning or contacting the dealer directly and dealing with him exclusively.

He’s almost always a producer on the shows he hosts as well, so that generates a great deal of residual income through royalties. Maybe not $100m a year, but the bulk of his earnings isn’t through just salary.

To be fair, any top-line subscriber numbers include people who get Netflix for free, discounted packages, as well as one-time signups to binge a specific show or watch a specific movie and then cancel once they’re done. The revenue is significantly less than that $42bn (in fact, a quick lookup says they had $32bn in

To be fair, any top-line subscriber numbers include people who get Netflix for free, discounted packages, as well as one-time signups to binge a specific show or watch a specific movie and then cancel once they’re done. The revenue is significantly less than that $42bn (in fact, a quick lookup says they had $32bn in

No worries. I got the sense that we were fundamentally aligned.

It was a pleasure. Cheers.

Where in the hell did I mention anything about voting for this shit?

My God, read the responses. I clearly stated, looking at the situation cynically, what in all likelihood will happen. Not only that, I also made it clear that I don’t agree with what DeSantis and his cronies are up to.

You know absolutely fuck all

So, what other business in their right minds would want to invest in Florida (or expand their existing investments here) after watching our governor and legislature throw this kind of extended temper tantrum over one company voicing mild support for the LGBTQ+ community and tepid opposition to a controversial state

Do you really think that Busch Gardens, by itself, could make up for the losses to the Florida economy and tax revenues if Walt Disney World closed? Hell, do you really think all of the other amusement parks in Florida combined could make up for the economic losses if Disney World closed?

In other words, most visitors to Busch Gardens are people who live near Busch Gardens or who happened to be visiting Tampa for other reasons. Nobody plans an entire vacation around going to Busch Gardens the way they do Disney. While I’m not a native of Tampa, I’ve lived in the Tampa Bay area (Clearwater/St. Pete)