
There is an old joke :
-Do you know why there is no ´coup´ in the USA?
- Why...?
-Because there is no American Embassy there :)

As a foreigner, for sure Trump is the worst american president EVER! You are a certified dumb nation (mine too - brazil), BUT, they are cooking a reason to impeach Trump since day one... to me,

I did not see the most important info: the queue time to get into games is getting bigger and bigger...
The switch move is to get more people to play it, because the population is getting low :P

This is one of my “always” spotify songs.
And they are doing good albuns again!


I think there is more to it...

We had 7 seasons: “winter is coming”, “knight king will destroy humanity”, “we all are gonna die tonight”.... then, 1 episode and a knife!
WTH, this is bad writring, it is disrespectful!

Oh God, Dawn and Tim! Such lovely little momments... I miss them!

This type of article is really really funny, as pointed by middle-aged pedant ninja turtle bellow.
Miles away from him, in a third world country, I HAVE TO USE FLASH at my mainwork, cause the programs and sites I use are in FLASH...
AND yes, I work for the government too... SO, thanks!


Something really important to remember: Brazil is still under a COUP!
A coup d´etat backed by the USA (still under Obama, but Hillary was the mastermind) to steal our Oil reserves... and this is why our prices are getting higher and higher, to pay shareholders, mostly american oil companies!
So, thank you, americans :)

Oh, great! I feel much more confort knowing that my ideomotor movements can predict the future and know things I can´t possible know.
Pretty amazing this feature of my brain, gonna try more :D

You can create a LOT of measures, but nothing can prevent hackers from getting your passwords, when they want to...
It is better to hope they don´t target you for any reason.
As we speak, probably, our passwords are sold around the web, in stacks of thousands, so... let´s prey ours are not the tasty ones.

Cowin E7 is showing as $69.99 in that link.
Are you sure of the price?

Cowin E7 is showing as $69.99 in that link.
Are you sure of the price?

You have one to prevent real, common, poor, people to really vote!