
Dude, Crecente, if you don't want it send it to me.

If you've ever tried to learn Japanese as an English speaker, you know this is true. It feels like it's breaking your brain.

@Adhominem: Me too! Fortunately it turned out to have several other awesome games like Jeanne D'Arc, Monster Hunter, and Persona 3 Portable.

Why in the #(&@ did I click on that parasite link. Now I am going to have nightmares.

Ok, WTF. This Twilight guy (or someone with the same type of cardboard cut out mask) was around at AX too. It was funny the first time, but doing it repeatedly is not.

I will not buy this unless Phoenix Wright is on Team Capcom! (Ok, that's a lie, but it would be awesome).

I call bullshit on this "demonstration".

I've got an MSI P6N-SLI Diamond mobo, and their i-Charger application didn't work for me. It never detected my iPad.

I don't buy it. Anecdotal evidence, yes, but I only know 2 or 3 people who own PSPs and they don't know the first thing about pirating games on it. Yet these same people, plus about a dozen others I know, have R4s or similar for their DS and download games for it non-stop. I'm the only person of my peer group (adult,

For those wondering, the model standing in for Naomi is Alice Goodwin. She appears frequently in those lad mags in the UK...topless. ^_^

@rich8606: In Japan, the arcades are where the serious players go.

@Manly_McBeeferton: After you've been in Japan for about a week, these things stop bothering you. Bash has been there for years.

@CorporalMaxSterling: Thank you. I've always been a fan of eating and drinking whatever I like together and not worrying about what's "right".

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: That's a very good point. The draw of an "uncensored" version never before (officially) seen in Japan must have helped. It's even further surprising given that Z rated games can't be put on display or advertised in any meaningful way. All the stores I went to had

What kind of spin is this? The combination of both platforms for NMH is only 1k short of NSMBW. Considering that the original NMH only sold 11k copies out of the gate, I'd say 31k is pretty damn good.

Since when is Farah a sex goddess?

@LSDariuss: I read something recently on the Capcom message boards about there being licensing issues w/ Rival Schools (thus preventing a PSN release) so I doubt we'd see it in MvC.

FFX was just as linear as this one, and I don't see a lot of people complaining about it. FFXIII does open up eventually, about after the same amount of time that FFX did. The only difference is FFXIII forces specific people into your party for the duration of the linear section of the game. Except it's not really a