
Well, I've got the first one. I'll probably get this one too! If only they'd give us an Alicia or Rosie figure of this quality.

I think calling a multiplayer-only add-on an "expansion pack" is a bit of a stretch.

Reminds me of Hexen.

When you said Real Dolls, I thought you meant something else...

%@#$ yes.

@Koztah: This. I'm surprised that so few reviewers have failed to mention how terrible this minigame is. As much as I disliked driving the Mako across random terrain generator worlds in the first game, the plant scanning is an order of magnitude worse in the second one.

Wow...that was pretty badass. I can't believe I'm going to pay $40 for a game that's 90% the same as a game I paid $60 for last year...

Wow...I was expecting more than just a straight port of the DS games. I thought they'd at least give us some higher res artwork. I guess that was too much to hope for.

What's PDLC vs just DLC?

Regarding the headset thing, I have the regular edition stick for Xbox 360, and it comes with an adapter to plug the 360 headset into the box.

Autoruns from MS Sysinternals. There's nothing better.

Does anybody really care when celebrity voices appear in games? I always feel that it's budget money that could have been better spent somewhere else.

Sadly, DH just announced that the Knights of the Old Rebpulic comic would end at issue 50. It's on like issue 43 right now.

@Komrade Kayce: Because, as terrible as the new party members they've revealed so far are, it makes some of us overjoyed to know that Tali will be back. I was beginning to doubt my pre-purchase.

@GrimCW: Birdo's in many of the sports games and Super Mario RPG. Shy Guys are featured extensively in Yoshi's Island games (the first of which is Super Mario World 2) as well as the Paper Mario series. Peach and Luigi's control mechanics have been carried over to several games (Super Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros.,

@astidcrisse: Doki Doki Panic. However, given all the elements that have been made into series the regular canon (bob-ombs, Peach's floatability, Luigi's slippery jumpability, Shy Guys, Birdo, etc.), you can't argue that it's not a legitimate entry into the series. I just think of it like Zelda II - the black