
I giggle like an idiot every time they say Homo Demens. It’s very literally one of my favorite parts of the game

Your argument is a falsehood, based on a poor understanding of the characterization. What else would you have me call that?

That is such a facetious and blatantly wrong take I don’t even care to argue with you over it as you seem beyond convinced there’s nothing you missed in that. She literally was considered the best soldier in the world, so by you essentially removing those qualities from her to make your argument you are being

Cause clickbait.

The Boss was the strongest character in all of MGS lore.

So if you write a variety of female characters, weak, and strong, you’re a mysoginist?

I think this take is entirely unfounded when you get into the actual game.

I’m Italian and your translation was perfect.

I can definitely understand pushing back on criticisms of the game as “boring” or “lacking in action,” as there’s plenty of both narrative and game-play related motivation and action to be found in the game. It’s really hard to describe the feeling of laying down a new stretch of road, or helping another player finish

Italian speaker here, to correct mistranslations ( from the original Italian review into English).

To be fair, a lot of the criticisms of the game just don’t really seem to be in line with my own experience of the game. It’s not a “you just don’t get it” thing, in my opinion, but “this isn’t for you”.

Always remember to bring an extra projectile filled will piss or shit because people, much like BTs, do not respond well to being doused in excrement and we all run into those awkward social situations where we need a quick getaway.

Jsfc this comment section. Gamers will turn on anyone, for anything, the moment their vision of that person is challenged.

Probably made in China

Now playing

You know, normally I’d say that historical events have weight and that South Korean people are right in being very sensitive on this topic, but the more I read about it the more I see how fabricated this whole deal is. This subject has been unfortunately hijacked and currently being used for exploitation rather than

It’s a good game, maybe even the body of a great game, buried under a mile-high pile of conflicting, tacked-on RPG mechanics. The kind that feel like they originated in a Ubisoft marketing and sales executive’s office, and not a game designer’s studio.

...this has to be performance art, right here. Nothing and no-one could be this ironically lacking in self-awareness and put that lack so perfectly into text.

“Amazing chest ahead, therefore try two hands.”

“Time for cooperation ahead, therefore try Hollow!”