
Not gonna fit on a regular pokeball, these two.

“Deadpool’s voice”

This is way too good, please ban.

We’re gonna need a bigger gun.

Ten Ten Teeeeeeeeeen!

A goose to surpass Metal Gear.

“-in US.”

Omen. I mean, Amen.

Everything’s made in China.

Thought the same thing. It looks like those Kaiju Sneakers in Pacific Rim. But at least those are ‘Kaiju’ sneakers.

That’s sounds like a new videogame genre

All I can say is it’s “MADE IN CHINA”.

I can’t believe he’s 53 years old already. He looks like he’s in his 40s.

Well um, I’m guessing the final chapter in Venom Snake’s story would have to take another year or two...

Actually, there’s this new Castlevania game on mobile...

But hey let’s just call the game racist and imperialist for some reason.

Its sales figures would like to have a word with you. As much as I like your review on Breakpoint, this bit is sticking out like a sore thumb.

Oh Nike. The most expensive Chinese-made line of sports stuff.

I never took you for a Dark Souls shitposter, Mr. Arnheim, goddamit we are on the same league.

Keep on doing this Zack. Quirky fun. It also attracts edgelords, so that’s a plus.