
Elden Ring won’t be an exclusive. More than half of the things shown are’t even that.  Bandai Namco seems to be publishing From’s new game, as usual, as the thing is going multiplatform.

Never knew I’d ever like to have that replica of a fetus on a container of sorts.

I know that not even you can make anything like this.

You are onto something here. Keep it up!

If you look closely on Reedus’ exoskeleton arms, you’d see that it has a capacity of 250 lbs. 

Surpassed by other videogames yeah?

They way that Diablo was received, I won’t be surprised when game companies release mobile games only catered to Asia.

That’s pretty obvious but people are taking it at face value.

Have you played his games?

I’m guessing they are codenames or aliases. Just like in MGS games.

I’m thinking it will all make sense in the end, just like MGS which has weird naming conventions based on animals (just figured it out lately, embarrassing I know, I thought they only sounded cool).

Is that a personal attack or something? LOL


Kong Skull Island has nothing on Pacific Rim.

You’re wasting your time Jon Snow.

Don’t think so bro. That’s some prejudice you got there. It’s quite in their culture, the Chinese are like that even in their country.

Don’t think so bro. That’s some prejudice you got there. It’s quite in their culture, the Chinese are like that even in their country.

Don’t think so bro. That’s some prejudice you got there. It’s quite in their culture, the Chinese are like that even in their country.

Don’t think so bro. That’s some prejudice you got there. It’s quite in their culture, the Chinese are like that even in their country.

Just stirring up controversy.