
I doubt that the writers will go in that direction unless they want the ratings to completely collapse.

Its a slap in the face!!!!

I will miss him, just not his hair.

Yeah, she planted the evidence and wanted Victoria to think that she was a gold digger.


It was like a gay disco…..

Sundays will never be the same.

This is the final season, lets wait and see for the finale ratings as it will most likely adjust down, lets enjoy it while its here!!!! The good thing is I have almost stopped watching all network TV, so hopefully I will never have to worry about the damn ratings again.

It was a great first premiere.

And she did great on all three.

Poor Lisa…first she has to deal with Homer and now this!!!!

We should all go to either TVline, EW or Any other ideas?

Sounds good, waiting in some dark corner to get our Revenge!!!!

EW started covering the show again, TVLine is also covering this season, and than you have TVFanatic but I hate the reviewer with a passion.

I have heard that the next couple of episodes will focus more on his background and even on some of his imperfections, so I think that should humanize him more with the viewers.


Great post, well said!

Especially considering the finale got around 400 comments and an A- from the reviewer. This does not make any sense!

Episode was a solid B for me. There were some story lines (Jack being a cop) that I find totally useless, however the episode I though was well conceived and everything came together quite nice. Revenge has never been good at the premieres(it has amazing finales) so this is definitely a step up in the right

Why in the hell would you stop coverage for this show, particularly since this will most likely be the last season. AV Club covers some real stinkers on here and yet they are dropping Revenge. I will have to think about visiting this site again.