
Sorry, its my opinion and we are all entitled to one. Considering the show has been panned by both critics and viewers, I am not the only one sharing those views. Frankly, my opinion should not matter to you if you like the show.

I feel your pain. But as long as your having fun watching it as a comedy!!!!

Exactly, they have been terrific in the past but this was a whole other challenge.

Oh I agree with you there! That show is god awful, some of the worst acting on TV. Season 2 of that show is just mind boggling bad. But I guess its more popular, the Intruders is doing terribly in the ratings and has also been panned.

He must be really good at what he does if thats what it took to wake her up! LOL

7 long and painful months to go :( Off to hibernate!

Very much true, but its what happens with a lot of these cable shows. I have the same issue with Game of Thrones and Vikings.

I really liked the first episode but I have to say that it was definitely a bit slow. Episode 3 is where the show starts to pick up and find the right footing.

Awful, just completely and utterly ridiculous and where did they find that mustache from, it looked like hair that came from somewhere elseā€¦..

He is a great actor but its somewhat different as in Orphan Black they are all suppose to be clones.

Its very graphic that is for sure!

As much as I love Tobias as Frank and Black Jack, they desperately need to find another actor for the brother.

Same has happened to me I started the first book around the time of episode 2 and I just identify Caitriona, Tobias and Sam with Claire, Frank and Jamie. I am already about finished with book 4.

I really love what they have done with Frank's character, they have put more importance and emphasis on Claire's wanting to get back.

I can't wait!

I am more on Jamie's side myself but I agree about Frank's sophistication and experience and Tobias plays him with such charm.

I do not think it will be a problem, as mentioned the actors are in there mid 30's. I just hope they cast the right fit, they have done great with the casting choices so far.

I was very excited and a bit anxious. LOL

Now Utopia is a great show! That I can agree with.

Me too! The 43 on Rotten Tomatoes speaks for itself!