
I agree, he was outstanding!

Season 3 of Scandal was terrible, I had to give it up!

LOL. No problem we all have our opinions! And while I disagree I can respect your opinion, I personally love the character but she does have her frustrating moments(Please Claire just stop answering back).

Me too, great discovery!

I would definitely think so, especially with what happened after Braveheart first came out.

Still has not been picked up but I hear a lot of people are talking about it there with anticipation.

She is definitely a main character most can root for and identify with.

Sounds like your wasting your time as the show is just not for you. There are so many great shows out there. You know that when your criteria is applied to any show there are flaws to be found, including Game of Thrones which is among my favorite shows yet has a ton of eye rolling moments and an overly attractive

Tell me about it, her skin looks like porcelain. Beautiful and a great actress!!!

Kids these days…….. At least your trying!

Very True!

I was literally pulling my hair everytime she started to speak.

True! I respect your opinion and I agree to disagree! :)


I get ya! But these were different times and it was not that uncommon for a man to be a virgin. He is also in his early twenties so not that big of a stretch!

To each his own. I think we were watching different shows. I am glad this show is not subjected to being some foolish romantic cliche. This story and this show are so much more than Claire and Jaime and that is what makes it as good as it is. I see most on here were rather thrilled with this episode.

True and I think she realized how foolish she was for saying that the moment she said it but it is who Claire is for better or for worst.

I was right there with you, excellent show, especially the first two seasons.

That Bastar*!
