
Yeah, it comes highly recommended, with a spouse even more so.

LOL. And much appreciated it is.

Don't worry, so far the show is doing better than anything since Spartacus. Season 2 has already been announced.

Exactly, 8 now and 8 more starting in January.

Season 1 of Spartacus and those last few episodes of the season, never got the credit they deserved. Lucy Lawless was so great as Lucretia.

Excellent point, I was actually thinking the same.

She would wipe the floor with her, LOL. Although Cersei has definitely improved in that department, lol.

I never understood the hype with that book or Twilight for that matter.

I feel your pain but it could be worse.
Penny Dreadful only had 8 this year and Game of Thrones and the Leftovers, 10 episodes. At least we are getting 8 more in January.

Caitriona has been excellent in this episode.

2 more episodes left. :(

He does brilliantly in portraying a real villain, to the point where you feel uneasy when he is on screen.

Definitely up there and I am a huge GOT fan.

She is a lush, LOL.

It was a very gritty and brutal episode, there were moments that were hard to watch but that really speaks for the quality of this show.

I think all of the actors are doing a great job. Caitriona(Claire) really deserves a lot of credit as I have noticed that there is a lot of chemistry between her character and Dougal, Jamie, Frank, Black Jack, etc.

the reviewer should have definitely given this episode an A, if any episode has deserved it so far, its by far this one.

Tobias Menzies should definitely get some Emmy love for his portrayal of these two characters, he does an amazing job with both roles.

Its turned into one of the best shows on TV.

yeah he did, you can tell that they care for her.