
I hear you, its not a show that will necessarily appeal to a wide range of people.

Well said.

I need one!

Yeah its hard being a critic, tell them to raise your salary!

I could not have said it better myself. Great post.

Agree to disagree.
In 2014 for an HBO season 1 summer series. This is a solid rating. 0.8 almost every week consistently hitting its season demo high. And by the way if this show was heavily promoted I must have missed something as I found out about it last minute.

That is what I meant, its a phase.

That was a nice read, thank you.

Well said. I think if you compare this show to the other summer CBS sci-fi drama, Under the Dome(which performs better in the ratings) you would come to appreciate this show. It is infinitely better than that mess of a show.

Yeah, I am loving the production design, it really gets the atmosphere right.

I understand your frustration but in this particular case the reviewer likes this show, its normally gotten anywhere from a -B to a +B.

I actually like this show. Is it the best? No. But its certainly better than most things on network tv. And I have to say I love the futuristic look Extant depicts. I think its one of the only shows to ever get it right. All the gadgets look like a realistic interpretation of what we could be using years from

Well deserved, the ratings have been extremely solid for a season 1 HBO shows. Every episode in the 0.7-0.8 range. The show might have started out slow but IMO has turned into one of the best new shows of the past season. With every episode I am more and more intrigued. "Guest" was perhaps one of the best episodes

Yup, I feel the same way.

Well you won't be seeing much of Frank anytime soon.

Does not matter how old I get, a great adventure sounds good to me.

Fun fact, Sean Connery and Liam Neeson were actually considered for the film adaptation of Outlander.

I completely agree with that. I really liked the pacing. This is the pilot and they had to introduce the importance of the characters in relation to the story.

I got a Cate Blanchett vibe facially.

I can actually see this show going for 7 or 8 seasons. There is a lot of hype behind it and the ratings and reviews were great. 89 on rotten tomatoes is higher than shows such as season 1 Mad Men, season 1 Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. I am not saying the show would be on that level but its been a great start