
Well to be fair we didn't really get to know Jamie as well as Frank.

or vampires on this show!!!

I dont know what the F your babbling about?

Same here!

yeah the girl from homeland was well stupid.

Well than its a good portrayal as most teenagers are stupid.

Well said. A lot of these pissed of fan boys are getting on my nerves and need to grow up and get a life, LOST has been over for years now.

I shouldn't have watched the pilot episode early on, I have been waiting for nearly 10 days now…. I can't wait till episode 2!!!

This show started slow but I have now converted, the past couple of episodes have been great. This was another stellar hour, the promo for the next episode looks bat shi* crazy.

For me the most cringe worthy part of this episode when they started speaking in a fake Polish accent. It seemed every actor was working on a different accent and they all spoke English to each other…. Mind boggling!!!

I would recommend not wasting your time, you will be disappointed, I dropped it after season 4. The Originals is an OK show, nice guilty pleasure.

I will take your advise and would raise its grade just for that.

True and this coming from a big fan of Del Toro. To think he wrote and directed Pan's Labyrinth.

Penny Dreadful is a great show with much better acting, a great atmosphere and significantly better written characters.

Arrow is a good show. The Vampire Diaries is awful, it was OK for the first couple of seasons but now its a terrible mess. Elena's family dies, comes back, dies again and yet the most important thing for her is going to the prom with her ghost former witch friend. LOL Terrible.

Strain is cheese personified. There are more cliches in this show than watching an hour of Oprah Winfrey.

I am a big Del Toro fan so who knows but I am disappointed with the show so far.

I think her review is fair, maybe I would have bumped it up to a C or C- but while this show does have potential and is fun so far its been complete fluff.

well said!

The Leftovers started slow and I was not a fan of its first two episodes but it is now a great show, much better than the Strain in my opinion. Last week's episode of the Leftovers makes this show look like the CW.