
The show has so much potential and just when it looks like it will finally get to that potential it takes three steps back. I completely agree about this episode. I am also not thrilled about all of the cliches we get! With all that said, it is an entertaining hour and I want to see where season 1 goes.

This show has turned into such a terrible mess, I do not know how I will finnish these last two episodes, such a difficult task. LOL

to each his own, I liked both shows, the Knick was great but I much preferred Outlander.

Anyway thank you for your review just because I would have given the premiere a slightly higher score does not mean I don't think you did an excellent job.

Thanks for the review. I loved the pilot! Great acting, beautiful cinematography, production design, makeup, wardrobe. The adaptation is nearly flawless and the pacing works well to introduce the main characters and establish their importance. I am not going to even mention the scenery and how it creates a magical

The Outlander pilot was great. Beautifully filmed, great production design, great acting, the costumes, makeup and hair were beautifully done. The episode felt magical and I actually loved the pacing, they made us care for Frank before getting to know Jamie. Excellent show!!!! I agree with the A. I Love your

Perfect episode! The acting from her was brilliant. Hopefully this episode is submitted for the Emmys next year.

Episodes like this show just how great of a show the Leftovers can be.

Yeah I do not think the story will take that turn, Ethan is part of the story but he is not essential.

Yeah he definitely did it on purpose.

Yeah it was a bit filler, C+ sounds right

Well played

For some reason I don't trust that character.

There were so many different actors on that show even Sally Field was on it at one point.

It was a good show way back when….

Nice review as always by Sonia. I have to say I really liked the second half of this episode, so I would bump it up to a C+, its still better than 99% of things on CBS but this episode kind of felt like a bit of a filler. Next week looks much better. I kind of wonder what this show would have been if it was on

Such a shame. Nick is a terrible channel that are incapable of recognizing what is the best show on their whole network or showing some respect. This season has been top notch, the best season of Legend of Korra by far.

He looks nothing like Kevin Kline either. LOL
The reason why we said George Clooney was ER.

Hahahaha yeah he was quite frightening.

What a shame about its ratings! Finally a non procedural quality tv series on CBS and its not doing all that well. Hopefully it gets a renewal.