
Yea, white progressives tend to be just as racist and horrible as the white conservatives they look down upon. My own liberal utopia, Madison, WI, has a well deserved reputation for treating PoC like shit. In fact, I recently read about a study that showed that white progressives were actually a few percentage point

Regarding Boulder’s liberalness - isn’t it also super white? There are plenty of “liberal” white people who, once you get them talking, are blindingly racist, homophobic and misogynistic.

I can’t stop picturing Hillary Clinton kissing her fingers and pressing them to her wallet sized photo of Beyoncé for good luck before each speech. “We got this, Bey...who run the world?”

there is no nonsense in using the Latinxs term.

I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

Jewel’s response is lovely:

I’ve heard it’s a good movie.

All hail Ruby Woo by MAC. Its the best blue-red out there and has been for years.

All hail Ruby Woo by MAC. Its the best blue-red out there and has been for years.

No, I just understand how radiation works. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with science. If wi-fi signals were dangerous, we’d already see the effects with radio and TV signals, which are basically the same thing.

Then you may want to research the history of the term “Uncle Tom”.

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

Clinton’s announcement was unsurprisingly smooth

rude 2 bbq chips

“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”

What’s so funny about a console pre-loaded with 30 games for the price of a single PS4 game or 4 tickets for a 2 hour movie?

A government spokesperson told the BBC that, in fact, “It’s a civil servant’s cat and does not belong to the Camerons - he will be staying.”

Zambillion Little Pieces.

I just want to know if Tommen’s cat, Ser Pounce, is still alive. If so, who will take care of him?

I was in shock all Friday about it. What a disaster. I'm Scottish, so independence is looking like the best option for us right now tbh. London and Newcastle can come with us!