
Those were the speeches where she talked about killing Vince Foster because he had key evidence relating to Whitewater.

And vaccines have been associated with autism. That doesn’t mean vaccines have anything to do with autism nor does it make people who insist on this erroneous connection any less dumb.

Reminder: when you say you are against feminism, then you are simply saying you do not believe women should be equal to men.

Maternity leave has got me so bored sooooo.... This happened.

I wish Scotland was warmer.


Should you find yourself engaged, I recommend speed. After a year or so of engagement, Mr. Logic’s and my wedding was announced and completed in three weeks. No time to argue, no time to worry about trivial details. I’d have skipped a ceremony altogether and just signed the contract at a coffee shop (like you can in

Thighlights. It was glorious.

Even the ref is like “Damn!”

“Those shorts are not remotely short.”


My Skipper Barbie had an evil step mom who she’d talk back to and then get slapped. I used to watch General Hospital with my mom...

I’ve spent over 20 years carefully plotting how to avoid planning a wedding. Not getting engaged works well.

I ask this with immense fondness: u mad

I don’t know what you mean because I’ve never read Deadspin before.

countertaek: Rudy is a story about if a white guy whines enough about how he really, really wants to do something a bunch of black guys are more qualified to do, other white guys will give him the job.

I don’t think they loved in - I think in many cases those photos were the only images the family would have of the deceased and that’s why it was done. Still creepy, but a bit less sensational.

Sports is important. Feminism is just a pleasant diversion from the drudgery of our daily lives. Pretty sure I don’t have that backwards.

I’m ashamed that they even pay our shitty men’s team. Seriously, give all of the money toward the women’s team. They fucking rock and generally seem to be good role models for little girls.