
Prediction: Hamm will be married to a much younger woman, and become a father within a couple of years.

That’s touching. I’ll be more polite when I have the same rights and opportunities as you.

Except they’re two significantly different things; to even suggest one is an alternative to the other illustrates a fundamental ignorance of both. I think before anything else changes, we should make it illegal to form and share opinions about a subject without at least reading its Wikipedia entry. I’m so tired of


It’s brilliant. But I’m biased, because I still love the whole cast of the State.

Real talk, David Wain is one of the most brilliant comedic forces working today, and if you disagree you’re a real dumb dumb.

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

oh fuck off.

Best advice I’ve seen all day

Both her parents are white. She herself is lily white. She dyed her hair and darkened her skin with cosmetics. She also claimed her adopted brother was her son, her father had cancer, she had cancer, and probably a lot of other shit too. She is a lying liar who lies a lot.


21 days ago, I would have agreed with you, at 41 weeks, 4 days pregnant. Then I went into labor, and unfortunately, despite my midwife and doula being pretty great at what they do, my baby contorted into a weird shape and literally got lodged in my pelvis. Without a wonderful anesthesiologist and obstetrician

C-sections are not “bad for you.” C-sections have saved countless lives.

Ugh. The cynical know-it-all-ism paired with the absolutely terrible argument in this comment is just the worst.

I for one wish we could go back, oh I don’t know about 80 years where women and babies were dropping like flies because of lack of medical intervention and the beautiful natural process of giving birth. Less people on the planet means more for me.

Women and babies dying of natural childbirth at astonishing rates is also natural.

I’m so upset that this amazing show is over forever.

What on earth are you talking about? I’m talking about the guy’s leg position. Get out of here with your silly assumption.