
I’m so upset that this amazing show is over forever.

What on earth are you talking about? I’m talking about the guy’s leg position. Get out of here with your silly assumption.

I cried at my wedding as soon as I saw my wife walking down the aisle. I also cried the first time I heard my daughter’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, when I found out she was a girl, the first time that I held her, and sometimes when I rock her to sleep.

Something very interesting I noticed the second time round: the first time he grabs her, she pushes him off. Then he’s angry at her for showing him up, and he goes to grab her behind in revenge, in order to put her in her place. Such a great demonstration that the men that perpetrate these acts of sexual assault


“I am upset that people aren’t talking about what I want to talk about in this space where I comment at no cost, even though there are other websites where I can do this.”

My nemesis in college did this in Amherst when she had a $20,000 trust fund and it made me want to punch her in the face and honestly I feel the same way about this person because I am a slave to consumerism and misery loves company.

Lots of SNP voters and pro-Independence people are shocked and appalled as well. it isn’t just the Union supporters. This tiny minority of stupid trolls do not represent anyone but themselves. Many in Scotland and beyond respect her views as her own to have (even if they disagree). She has said some blunt things in

As some of you know, I grew up in rural Utah. I was not mormon and it was, um, hellish. I was by nature a pretty standard kid, but standard kid stuff made you a weirdo in my town, so I struggled to fit in without loosing myself. In any event, I joined the girl scouts in an attempt to make friends. I must have been

My mom passed away in 2009 from ovarian cancer. She was not the warm and fuzzy type when I was growing up—that was my dad. She and I had an odd relationship, which she tried to remedy in her own way before she died. So it’s hard to remember anything that stands out in particular. She was an efficient caretaker,

When we had a late termination for medical reasons last summer, my mom flew out to meet us, rented a car and got a hotel suite, made me eat food, drove us to all four of my appointments at the clinic and took care of our two year old the whole time so my husband and I could grieve our lost pregnancy and rest without

How about we trash the wedding tradition that says the woman plans everything while her finace occasionally “bloop bloops in on a flying saucer”?

You don’t know the full story of the choices this person had to make, so you should dial it back on the judgment.

Thank you so much for this! I was taken away from my mother when I was a child due to serious neglect. The apartment we were living in was condemned. She left, didn’t even try to get me back or see me. No phone calls, nothing. Just left while I wondered why. I got that we weren’t living right, didn’t understand the


When I found out my long term boyfriend had a new girlfriend, while we were still living together, I walked to the nearest travel agent and booked a flight to Europe, got an express passport and then quit my job. I was outta there in under two weeks.

It was


Dear Mr. Calvey,