
I’m gonna be mad as hell if they release so much as one FF7 Remake game exclusively on the PS5.

Sony fans : We want better battery life
still not learning are we. 

I must be naive, but I was really hoping we'd finally get a controller with back paddles to ship with a console. Oh well.... 

Any button that makes you take your thumbs off the sticks are dumb. Need back paddles.

It needs more buttons so games can have more functionality. L4/R4 at least.

All I want is the backwards/forwards compatibility Xbox is touting. 

This settles it for me. Not offsetting the thumbsticks forces me to buy an Xbox this time around. My poor, painful hands can’t take another generation of Sony’s crappy thumbstick placement.

NO BACK BUTTONS!  That’s a bummer for sure.

What? If you’re going to accuse Microsoft of stealing from anybody, accuse them of stealing from SEGA. 

As someone that’s never liked a single dual shock controller, the shape looks more comfortable, but the sticks are still in that symmetrical placement that virtually guarantees that I won’t use it.

This looks... good? The DS4 was the first playstation controller I didn’t hate, but this may be the first one I actually like. It doesn’t hurt that they’re blatantly copying the Xbox form factor with this.

Here you go again with the doctor shit, that never happened.

Eh, fact of the matter is most people I know (me included) find offset sticks more ergonomic. The Switch Pro controller is the most comfortable controller I’ve ever used. That said, I’ve never been one to have a big fit about Sony’s thumbsticks. They don’t bug me that much.

All i really wanted was 2 back buttons.

Except Microsoft actually designed their controller with the contours of a human hand in mind. They just got the scale off a bit on the first iteration.

Hold a ball and see where your thumbs are.

Honestly, y’know what... I’m down. It’s got some actual personality to it. Maybe a slightly dorky, “check out the LED’s in my gamer PC” personality, but whatever, it’s already growing on me.

It looks fine, I guess, but I really wish they’d offset their thumb sticks like everyone else.

Joe Rogan called this like 2 weeks ago.

If it doesn’t turn out that this Dana White wants to steal the fighter’s powers either for himself or to create some sort of bio-engineered ultimate warrior I’m going to be very disappointed.