
When I was growing up the Super Mario 64 eel was much scarier than a stitched face.

came to the comments for this, was not disappointed

If the game and its champions approached it as honestly as that, I’d simply pass it by as “not for me.” But it insists on the trappings of a faux-intellectual “adventure,” giving it an air of totally unearned importance that “smart” gamers are apparently all to eager to lap up, and it irritates me.

Goodbye The Witness, you pretentious pile of obtuse bullshit. I knew Myst. I played Myst before you were born. You, The Witness, are no Myst.

Probably Metroid Prime for the GameCube.

At least they gave you a phenomenal movie to watch.

Tell us—if you can manage to somehow navigate the ads and actually get our comments to load.”

I hate this map and have hated it since CoD4. Why the developers feel the need to put it in the standard map rotation is beyond me, but please, for the love god, stop. It’s fucking terrible. I leave every lobby that places me in it.

Shipment is a terrible map for teams. It’s an ffa map. I back out of the lobby when it comes up for KC and TDM. 

SHIPMENT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE A TEAM BASED MAP! that was the reason it mainly showed up in Free For All playlist in CoD4. people only liked shipment to farm xp and kills. Fuck this map forever. it’s the multiplayer equivalent of being shoved into series of broom closets where in each new one, someone jumps out and

Cabin Fever was pretty fun

Every time I think of Adam Sandler being a quite remarkable actor, I mourn his absence as the Bear Jew in Inglourious Basterds. He was the first choice for that role and he would have absolutely slayed. We’re unfortunately left with the bitter taste of Eli Roth in what is, admittedly, the best thing he’s ever

What kind of asinine argument is “Well you’re going to get spoiled anyway so might as well do it to yourself”? Should we not be able to enjoy media and content the way we want? TFA was spoiled to me because of a Twitch donation, the streamer couldn’t catch it in time and about 10k+ people who were watching knew

Sure, but what’s the argument here? Driver shouldn’t feel this way about his own work? It’s amazing how many armchair psychologists here think they know better how (and why) his mind works than he does.

Here it is folks, not only has he been around more artsists than us, but clearly he knows a thing or two about psychology.  Pack it up boys, squirtloaf has this handled.

There are valleys of difference between purely vocal and live-action performance. Much more room for perceived error in the latter.

Read the article. 

with a pass-through audio jack so players can still plug in their headphones.

The article mentions it still accommodates headsets though.

Or... you could actually read the entire article before commenting.