
This is how I feel. People who screech about stealing are annoying. People who bend far enough backwards to tongue their own buttholes to justify piracy are annoying. If you want to do it, just fucking do it. I don’t care. Nobody cares. Even the people who are paid to care don’t actually care.

No need to defend.

Can I buy a new copy that benefits the original creators/publisher? if yes, then rom is bad. if no, then rom is ok as long as you don’t profit from it.

Yeah, that’s why I stayed away. I had a few friends that played, but I heard it was really bad on PS3.

Yakuza 1 and 2 were released during the PS2 era, during the time Microsoft got exclusivity to Shenmue II, developed by what would be the Yakuza dev team. Could it be that the tepid commercial performance of Shenmue II is what made them dismiss Yakuza?

What’s awesome is that when asked, he can say his full name verbatim without skipping a beat.  I saw the guy do it when at the Mystery Anime Theater 9001 event on Saturday, he said it in front of the whole room when asked by Tom and the crowd went nuts.

I think of myself as a great fan of Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden Schlitter Crasscrenbon Fried Digger Dingle Dangle Dongle Dungle Burstein von Knacker Thrasher Apple Banger Horowitz Ticolensic Grander Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen Bahnwagen Gutenabend

Because there are just some things even a crash test dummy should not be subjected to.

Every time I see one of the Disney Princess sequences, I realise that this is the mega-crossover I realllllly want to see. I mean Infinity War is nice and all, but Moana, Mulan, Merida, Elsa, Anna, Cinderella, et al dealing with each other? Gollllllllld


Yikes, what a shitty take. His career is done.

How hard is it to just straight-up apologize when you’ve done something wrong? No terms, no conditions, just an apology. To everyone who is owed one. 

This is disappointing. I was fully on board to hear his side of the story and have some sympathy, expecting it to be along the lines of: “I sincerely apologize to Boomstick gaming for copying their hard work. Due to professional and personal matters, stresses have been building in my life. Those matters, combined with

Woof. I mean the dude’s career already was buried, but this response — never apologizing to the guy he stole from, Streisanding his FIFA review while attacking an actual journalist for “needing clicks” even though he works for a site whose traffic runs laps around his — is like pouring concrete on top. Filip, I know

As a former journalist with an actual degree in it, what this guy did (with Boomstick and with Nintendo Life) is textbook plagiarism. There is no doubt about it. The fact that he is just deflecting and blaming others just shows me he is unemployable. No one with any integrity will touch him ever again which means

Wow. I thought for sure after being caught with the reddest of hands, he’d disappear. But saying that it was an accident, and then flat-out denying the FIFA plagiarism is simply unbelievable. Just... wow.

I was expecting Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Umbrella Stand Jasper Wednesday (pops mouth twice) Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable (whinnying) Arthur Norman Michael (blows squeaker) Featherstone Smith (whistle) Northcott Edwards Harris (fires pistol, then ‘whoop’) Mason (chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff) Frampton Jones

Clearly the person who created the title card for this doesn’t know much about Pokemon lore. Professor Oak does NOT catch Pokemon. He just outsources their capture to children, and then proceeds to vacation with those children’s moms once the kids leave town. I thought this was common knowledge.