
it’s called irony

I'm with you.

Looks awesome! Can’t wait!

Looks awesome! I’m getting this for sure, can’t wait

I think diverse meaning different characters with different personalities/traits. Not genders or races.

This makes no sense to me. What is the “complete edition” - no word of DLC, content updates, or anything of that matter has been mentioned at all, that I’m aware of. Just some small things - a single mission, an outfit, and some multiplayer (likely experience) boosts and a couple of starting weapons.

I remember when people said the same thing about the first Red Dead Redemption...

Why are you surprised by this? We knew this long before today. 

October 26, 2018: The day my social life died.

I need this game in my life. Inject it straight into my veins.

Good Lord that looks incredible! Who wants to help me freeze myself until late October?

It’s an old-fashioned way of doing things to be sure, but it does show off a more polished game and what the player will actually get, rather than something a year out that’s far more subject to change. Especially when gamers like to nitpick the graphics and call downgrade if it doesn’t look like the initial reveal


I couldn’t possibly care any less about Aerosmith, but those Metro Vans are cool.

You must be looking for Jalopnik. Go down three blocks, turn left, and then it's straight up your tailpipe. 

Man, and I thought Chuck was an asshole. 

I’m a huge sucker for that much woodwork. I would live in that building.

"You know what, Mr. Bag? I WILL have a nice day. I'm going to hang you in my kitchen - and fill you with other bags! YOU WILL EAT YOUR FAMILY!" - Liz

As a matter of fact, I was there a few weeks ago and they had one of Don Draper's suits on display as one of their most recent acquisitions.

A lawnmower?