
Ughhhhhh I need to buy and/or build a stand before I upgrade my wheel. A basic-ass folding table probably won’t cut it 

God bless you Horatio! A mid-engined, manual, V-12 supercar when they’re talking about outlawing the ICE in the next 15 years. That’s a goddamned hero folks. 

And that’s exactly what Ferrari, Lambo, etc. should do. Make the manual an option on a limited run of a car and watch the money rain down.

I’m really surprised that more Exotic car manufacturers aren’t looking at the huge price disparity between classic exotics with a manual and classic exotics with paddle shifters and thinking to themselves: “Hmmmm... maybe there’s a market for buyers who want to row their own gears...”

The Queen’s political power was near nil. Her role is not to steer policy, or shape policy, and attempts to do so against the wishes of the Parliament, the elected officials who run the government and military of Britain, would be wrong.

iT CAnT be TRUe FoX neWS saYs EVeRYthinG iS BAd!

Thanks for the thought-provoking read. Didn’t know this history behind Labour Day.

1%ers waving their dicks at each other. If they’re a “car guy” then displayed in some massive garage for dinner guests to cringe at.

Yes. Billionaires who want to display something that their neighbors don’t have. When you live in Palos Verdes, and your neighbors all have McLarens, Ferraris and Lamborghinis, having this makes you different, and is therefore better.

Does anyone even care about these million dollar supercars anymore? 

In my opinion we’ve passed the point of “diminishing returns” on horsepower; especially for street cars. These extra powerful cars add very little to the zeitgeist beyond numbers to brag about and an astronomical price tag.

Can’t wait for the even more exclusive $3 million version with incrusted diamonds around the cabin and headlights. It will be a true Master Batur!

If you can’t say anything nice...

The Fast saga has about as much to do with being a car guy as The Waterboy has to do with being a football fan.

Same. Never bothered with the movies.

The round taillights are perfection on a perfect car. And I’m not saying the split grille is bad, it is better than the lipstick-like front end of the 70; but it is certainly not as good as the full width grill in the 68. Sorry to say it, but they got it right the first year.

Shoulda made it a ‘68. Everyone knows that it’s the best year Charger.

I had to google just who the fuck Dominic Toretto was. I guess I missed out on that franchise.

I don’t think I have enough faith in corporations or politicians to believe they would have ever willingly enacted safety regulations upon themselves. See:

Who gives a fuck about the Corvair, lol? Nader’s crusade gave you immensely improved vehicle safety standards for yourself and your family that have reportedly saved millions of lives, but you hate the person that gave that to you because you’re lamenting the loss of a product line? Lol dude