
ICEs are not going ANYWHERE until you can buy an EV for $25,000 that can drive 300 miles on a charge and can be recharged in less than 10 minutes in any rural town. Period. Oh, and having a battery pack that doesn’t have the ecological impact of train wreck wouldn’t hurt.

The CVT really killed the Maxima. Any semblance of sportiness was completely flushed with that torture device.

Alex Jones owns a vehicle named after brown people. Oh the irony.

Could we put Mar-A-Lago on top of that list?

I knew it was a Carnival cruise before I even read the story.  

Best, most cogent thing I’ve ever read on the internet. Thanks.

There are one or two ELR owners in the Volt subreddit. Really rare vehicles but we love having them in the community. It was a solid car, but was overpriced and, yeah, poorly marketed.

My grandfather bought a Cadillac Catera. He traded in his old 80's baby blue Caddy for it. He was so proud of it, and I don’t care if historically it wasn’t a great car. Every time I see one or hear one mentioned I think of him, and the spring and summer weekends I would spend at his place helping him mow his lawn. Or

He’s got a stack of “I Did That” stickers in the center console ready to piss off a gas station attendant right now.

“This wouldn’t be a problem if Mumbling Joe and Hunter weren’t taking all that China money to run up prices on us.”

- Grand Wagoneer Owner, probably

“I’m changing the climate. Ask me how!”

Huh. Same sort of event that put AF 447 into the Atlantic. Seems like time to review to see if Air France has a little problem with training on choosing who gets to fly the plane.

I like it - I really do. And you might be right that it’s the nicest looking 911 you can buy new.

I know the GT3 Touring is the one I’m supposed to want, but I’ve wanted a manual (capital-T) Turbo since they went outta production over a decade ago!

Forget marble floored garages. Room dividers is the the hypercar thing.

Sorry, I’ve had a shit day.

Cancel culture? Every time I hear those words, I know the user is a fucking asshole who just wants to fuck people over without consequence.

Oh some of the new reviews are killer!

“I’ve got a great idea... Let me inflict some harm upon someone. I’ll also record it, post it online, and see what good can come of this.” - signed, Ass Hat