Don't dismiss it so lightly. Unfortunately, while it's a tantrum, so in many respects was the Nazi takeover of Germany. When tantrums have political power behind them, they can be very dangerous.
Don't dismiss it so lightly. Unfortunately, while it's a tantrum, so in many respects was the Nazi takeover of Germany. When tantrums have political power behind them, they can be very dangerous.
Correct, there is no meaningful difference at this point.
Do not forget their tendency to make videos talking about their views posing in front of their gun collection, while holding a gun and or religious texts.
These people are about as far from being patriotic as possibly imaginable.
Patriots: People like my grandfathers and Uncles who got drafted and had to go risk their lives fighting in the Pacific and Europe in WW2, came home, never talked about it, got on with their lives, paid their taxes, raised children and so on
I have been thinking about this for some time.
Your assumptions on those laws backfiring only works if everyone got prosecuted equally under the law. Also, IDK about Florida’s anti-voting laws, but Texas made sure to include exceptions for 65+ on mail in ballots to be sure the old people could keep them propped up.
They should probably be careful however, as blocking traffic as an act of protest is a felony in Florida.
Have driven Subaru, VW, MB, Ford, and Jeep MTs in 25+ years of driving stick. And the worst: The 6MT in the current generation Wrangler, which we currently own. I’ve yet to really get used to the clutch point - kind of high - in the 1.5 years we’ve owned it. Stall out in R more than I can remember since learning to…
Controversial take: VW Golf GTI Mk6. The design of the seat and the feel of the pedals make it awkward pushing the clutch. The transmission is lifeless and unengaging, and the gear throw is way too long and not very precise. Only GTI I’ve ever driven and the worst manual I’ve experienced, short of the old Porsche 915…
Being from the UK I’ve driven far more manual cars than I have automatics over the years but a rented Mercedes C class in France stuck out as having a particularly poor manual box (Mercedes were never known for decent manual transmissions). It was very vague and did not have a nice shift action. Also worth mentioning,…
I have five paid-for cars that I don’t drive much. Despite having to buy gas once a month or so, I think I win. How much is that gas savings costing you in capital costs? I’ll take my <$75/mo average gas costs over a $750-$1000/mo car payment any day. Really rather more to buy an EV equivalent to my BMWs and Volvo and…
Also, they’d certainly be riding bareback.
This is clearly a photoshop... Trump isn’t that lean.
Imagine being this triggered.
You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.
Whenever I’m at a pump and I see these, I spend my 4 minutes waiting to fill up actively removing as much I can of these dumb stickers. The people who scream about small business protections are actively hurting small businesses, so I attempt to help.
I have a hard time feeling bad on the gas prices issue for a society that has spent decades arranging life to live as far away from things as possible and to drive the biggest things to get there and to do it all in a way that depends on forms of energy that we know are eventually going to just run out.
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