
“Just” a Type R with a manual for grown-ups?

sooooooo. i have been wanting a freaking SI hatchback, i think THIS is it. if its like 30-31 with the manual and those nice brakes. i might just be buying one

If they follow Integra tradition, it’ll be a Civic with more power. I’m OK with that.

Article of the year. 

This might be one of the best unexpected things written here in a while.

i can’t imagine what galaxy brain you gotta have to argue that we shouldn’t try to save 10,000 lives a year because something else kills more people.  do you also sit down to chew gum?

I wonder if Harley Davidson jackets come with “Let’s Go Brandon” stitched inside the collar.

Then how will people know that I own a Harley and not just a t-shirt?

Umm, though it is a motorsickle, the Harley Davidson clothing line needs to be burned to the ground and eradicated from the universe. Like most of their riders. 

I too didn’t know who to root for while reading this article.

fuck ferrari.

It’s always fun to try an outrageous machine and push it as hard as you can.

In these times with shuttles, and Lyfts, why are we parking our expensive cars at the airport again? 


Liberals, communists, fascist bicyclists. Tree hugger Clinton backers. Soros probably hired these crisis actors. Benghazi. 

Some day the mountain might get ‘em but the law never will ... 

So now we know his name was either Luke or Bo.

A white coal-roller in Texas is part of an in-group with police, and not to be bound by the law. Cyclists are “environmentalists”, an out-group not be afforded protection by the law.

On a somewhat serious note, I’m surprised Chevy hasn’t resurrected IROC-Z for the nostalgia points.  You know there are some dudes (also in Hackensack) who would love a modern IROC.  Although I guess maybe “IROC” is still owned by someone and might require licensing.

Between 55-65 is the ideal Miata weather: Cool enough you won’t get sweat in direct sunlight. Heat on low if you get cold. Engine happy with cooler air. Not so cold that you can’t get your tires up to temp/immediately crash on summer tires.