German engineers: why use one part when six will do? And lets make it out of plastic even though it sits right next to the exhaust manifold, too.
German engineers: why use one part when six will do? And lets make it out of plastic even though it sits right next to the exhaust manifold, too.
DO NOT DO DAVID STANLEY. Their stealerships make your worst experience at a Kia dealership seem like a day spa.
Damn, even a Quiverfull family could have all the seating capacity they need for less than $45,000 total.
I don't really blame you - seeing out of that mask must be terribly difficult.
But these retain the authentic squeaks ‘n’ rattles of the original interior!
ICON gives you all new mechanicals plus every little detail is revisited and improved.
Does California prohibit these? Is it an emissions thing or a safety thing?
I’m just too tall to reasonably fit in one. I do love them though. However, one thing that would trouble me is 1) availability and timeliness of parts (I know you’d have to get from Japan...+1 to the dude on here with the Fast and Furious reference) and 2) will the mechanics around here touch it?
The Kei trucks have also had my eye. They look perfect for the actual trips to Lowes or the nursery that I do, and are a blast to drive.
Corinthian Leatherface, say it ain't so!
This is bullshit. How the hell am I supposed justify purchasing a cigarette jack-powered electronic butt warmer without a leather seat that inevitably feels colder than Vladivostok in mid-winter anytime it’s less than 60 degrees out?
Gotta lay off the Johnnie Walker🥃
I say all of this mainly in jest since Tesla and Twentieth Century could not be more different in that one was a giant failure and the other just a regular car company now. Elio Motors is probably a better comparison for Twentieth Century, at any rate. It’s almost as if a lot of this stuff is as old as time.
blah blah blah are we getting a true Used Car dealership again? Real wheel choices? Bringing back the car wash?
I just heard Chris Hedges explain it perfectly. A young, unemployed black male, roaming the streets is worth absolutely nothing to the state. If that same man is incarcerated, he is worth $40-50 thousand a year to the private prison contractor, the prison food service contractor, the prison medical services…
Yeah. Spotted the millenial with that one.
I mean, who wouldn’t think it’s a good idea to restrict the formerly incarcerated, who already have plenty of obstacles in finding gainful employment, from earning a livable wage on the outside, amirite? Who knew the law-and-order GOP was so pro-recidivism?
I suspect a little digging will show that the people he snitched on were people he had personal beefs with or ones who he saw as competition. One good thing about these terrorist clowns is that they really have no sense of mission beyond self-aggrandizement and delusions of grandeur. They’ll turn on anyone, even their…