
I don’t get it. At the end of the day it’s still a 4000lb+ car. All the CS achieves to do, is make the normal M5 worse on the street. I would hate to do a road trip of any sort in those carbon seats. I guess I’m not the target demographic (as there is no way in heck that I can even afford a regular M5), so my opinion d

Big oil doesn’t need you to be an apologist for it. They have an immense history of knowing about climate change then denying it and actively working to oppose it. Don’t simp for a billion dollar industry that doesn’t care about you.

Thanks I hate it.

I clicked on this thinking, “Yeah, right. I’m sure it’ll just be an electric motor or something.”

As an owner of a ‘69 C10 this is horrible and not for the vw v10 but that godawful 90s bed.

Thank you....

They’re not even trying to pretend that there isn’t two systems. This motherfucker’s bail should have been revoked.

Rittenhouse’s mother should be in jail along with her dipshit Hither youth biological spawn. Why she hasn’t been charged when she drove him to the protests and now this is beyond me.

Well, if we learned anything from the KKK, the Unabomber, Charles Manson, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the deaths and violence in Charlottesville, the storming of the US Capitol, the attempted kidnapping of the Michigan Governor, and the hundreds of militias that organize on the dark web and are armed

They already finished the investigation: BLM, antifa, unions, and “whiny” left wing activists are to blame.

It isn't to get them. It's to get the guy at the top. Let's see if those GOP Senators can listen to all those idiots say they did it because Donny told them to and then still argue that he was just joking around.

The Senate and the Federal Courts are separate entities, but there has to be some way to cut them a plea deal and then have them testify that everything they did was at Trump’s urging in Impeachment 2: Impeach Harder. Maybe remind them that Donny signed an executive order last summer which made the penalty for

Mexico City is my favorite place in the world to cruise on Google Street View when I’m bored. For all of the cool, new unobtanium on your list and for the old iron too. I didn’t have any screenshots handy so I went on and found this in about 60 seconds:

I work in IT this is typical. IT will submit a request to move to a new software because license is expiring or end of life. accounting wont approve and then the day finally comes when that software is gone and NOW we get yelled at for “letting” this happen

Two jobs ago, on my first day, I was getting the tour of the office, and the devices I was supposed to support. We go into one of the printer rooms; and the corner, on a shelf of the table supporting the printers is this really old IBM DOS PC.

Something similar happened in 2015 when F1 driver Fernando Alonso’s car crapped out on him (again) at the Brazilian race. He was spotted trackside, near where the car was retired, lounging in a deck chair, as the race continued. Normally the drivers get a ride back to the pits, but his car had given up on him so many

How long before they start knocking on doors like Jehovah's Witnesses?

Oh everybody dreams of themselves sometimes, I am sure.

Are we neighbors?!