
That is why I wear a tinfoil landau top.

Bruh. This shit ain’t changing. A few weeks ago, I decided to do a little gag as a joke, when the President of the United States started openly undermining free and fair elections.

I’m starting to think we’re going to need more than one.

I’ll get the guillotine 

I see you’ve been hanging around Bradley long enough to pick up his asshole-ism.

I starred at "Motherfucker"

He kind of doesn’t have a point though. I’ve had this happen in my former car, a 2017 Accord Coupe - the center console went on the fritz a few times, and one time I had to restart the entire care before it came back. But this was JUST the center console - meaning I was slightly inconvenienced in that I couldn’t

Bill Clinton didn’t campaign on “draining the swamp”.

“bro if you don’t want to be inconvenienced by an unexpected total system reboot, then just go buy a legacy car.”

Motherfucker, PLEASE. The book isn’t anti-autonomous cars at all. I fucking WISH writing anti-Tesla articles made one tiny bit of difference on book sales. It doesn’t. And I’m not anti-Tesla. But if this is your reaction to this story, perhaps you should seek out your clergyperson or a trusted relative. Maybe a

I’m a happy Tesla owner and my car hasn’t had any issues in 10k miles of ownership. However. If this happens to me, any “brand loyalty” goes out the window. If you wanna make your car dependent on a single screen for basically every function including the speedometer, you better fucking make sure that screen works.

I grew up in Connecticut and got my license in 1987. If you saw a Grand National with tinted windows, it more than likely had a radar gun and a State Trooper in it. If you saw a Grand National near a black RX7, they both had troopers in them.

That was very well put. I wasn’t quite a teenager when Buick sold these so I don’t remember them when new but in the 1990's they were already legendary. This was pre internet and I remember my friends and I hearing stories about these cars that we tried to verify through any old car magazines that we could find.  I’ve

Nicely stated! The GN’s merging of electronics, a turbo and intercooler has proven to be “The” formula for performance. GM knew that then as did Porsche. And for you NA fans: Go worry about your pathetic BMEP.

So much this.  Want to be an equal road user?  Act like one.

Pedestrian injuries did fall 80 percent — from 16 to 3 — during the police crackdown, which ended on July 26, but bike injuries didn’t budge, Hofmann said. The operation focused on dangerous driver behaviors, such as speeding and failure to yield.

And the last version of it did not make things much better with that never-ending butt...

For the record. I am not a DSM fanboy. I respect the cars, but have never owned one. With that said, this was the beginning of the end for Mitsubishi.

The E-Series:

Ford was the absolute worst. Nazi sympathizing anti-Semitic jerk.