
My Parents drove it up from the Bahamas...

Well I don’t believe any of this bullshit, just trying to make his head explode in a broken logic circle. 

I think you’re missing my point. He doesn’t want to wear a mask because God says not to, but God also told him to listen to his government. What’s a hypocrite to do???

He has every right to make himself sick. He doesn’t have any right to make others sick. The mask is to protect others, but I guess a civil servant wouldn’t care about other people.

God also made my farts, and he should inhale them deeply for they are of divine creation.

Romans 13:1-2 Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”

You know what else God created?

35k is not “affordable”.

Is it me, or does this kinda look like a Kia in passing?

It means they can enter, but all the southern belles have to make do with waving their hands at their face, while saying “Oh my... oh my” whenever an inter-racial couple walks by.

Fun fact: those “entitled asshats” actually have the right-of-way

Explain the pedestrian deaths.

As a UK resident, if you need me to I can source you one and deliver to whatever dock you like  :D

Take 1 Chinese Honda Ruckus clone

I owned a 13 Focus ST and started receiving letters from a law firm regarding this. I never responded because the ST doesn’t have this transmission. I eventually received a call from the firm and when I told the person my car didn’t have the transmission in question he told me we could just submit the claim and see

He didn’t say “something LIKE injection” he said “something like that, BY injection”

He is a moron who can barely speak publicly, he should not be talking on most subjects including the ones he is supposedly an expert at and his words and actions are killing people by providing them false information.

The only things “like” ingesting or injecting Lysol into your body are also fucking moronic beyond belief.

Damn man, that is one hateful comment.

You can fuck 99% of the way off with YOUR shit take, you dumb piece of shit.