
Kristen Lee was a classy broad. A true gem among dames. Though her writing was bullshit. Nasty girl too. Couldn’t write worth a damn. I won’t miss her attempts to undermine U.S. productivity and make me look foolish. The difference between me and Kristen Lee is my head is more beautiful and my words are larger and

Mechanically it might cut the grey poupon; but in the marketplace, if you are gonna do a V engine then an 8 is where it needs to start. These cars are as much bragging rights as anything else, and nobody feels like bragging on a V6.

The Celebrity Eurosport. My parents bought a loaded one in '86 that was a dealer demo. I was astounded by the prospect of power windows. I was 6. We immediately drove it from MA to CA

Oh right... BMWs used to be attractive.

Funny story:

Can’t these same powerful electromagnets be used to hurl poop into the sky?

Boom. Problem solved! You’re welcome navy.

It’s impossible to switch back to using steam. The entire ship is designed to use EMALS. There’s EMALS equipment and cabling all over the ship, and none of the equipment it would need to use steam catapults. Switching back to steam would require a complete retrofit. President Trump demanded that they switch back to

Would they have tried this had the President of the United States not spoken of it? 

The drug they took (intended for fish) is Chloroquine phosphate. That is the generic name of the prescription human drug Chloroquine. So they took the drug Trump was talking about, but clearly the wrong dosage. Pull your head out of Trumps ass already. 

Go write your shit on Breitbart, twinkerbelle!

Have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years?

Yeah, because nine thousand dollars just grows on trees. Bad take.

I’d like to take this moment of sport to give the most sincere “fuck off” to the renewed comment-less Deadspin.

It really is a Ferrari experience at a quarter the price.

The presenter is not wrong. My ‘76 is fun as hell.

Pretty sure I can make these out of steelies, dude.

I think this could just be due to our time.  We know that some douchey rich guy that makes a living from youtube will be the first place we can actually see one of these in use. 

People who voted for this asshole have no shame and never did.

Trump supporters lack a functioning shame gland, are deficient in moral fiber, and cannot cognitively examine themselves from outside perspectives.

I cannot overstate how this has up-ended things on my side of the Atlantic. There is so much confusion about the travel ban. It seems to be the Schengen Area (which is why us in Ireland and the UK are exempt), but there’s no clear reason why.