
Hands down winner. 

Still not quite as awful as its corn-fed brethren.

Oh, that’s E A S Y!!! It’s uuuhhh.... erm....

That face is hideous

By far the worst 2019 car.

I vote for the new gaping maw that BMW has decided on.

This is so freaking cool. Only supercar in years I’ve gotten even remotely excited about. If you have any issue with an analog, mid-engined, NA V12 supercar with a stickshift, please turn in your Jalop card at the door and drive on home in whatever uninteresting crossover you came here in.

Nice car. I’m a fan.

Contact patch:

I’ve been a reader of several of those publications over the years. I was lucky enough to win a photo contest for Mopar Muscle magazine a couple of years ago, which got me a prominent placement on the cover as well. Mopar Muscle in print will be missed by me. Hopefully the online version will continue to provide

R.I.P. Lowrider :/

An insult and insinuating that someone is guilty of one of the worst things a human can do, aren't in the same ballpark. 

Ahh, the ‘He started it!’ argument. Brilliant.

Also with a lady symbol right in the logo!  ...If he knows what it means, I guess.

imma call bullshit on this brand because there's no WAY Trump thinks something labeled "Bronx" is classy enough for him.

Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.

Why choose to be orange, though? It's not flattering at all, and vanity is Trump's thing. Maybe it turns Ivanka on?

If it was possible to physically wear out a CD, that was one.

Or, just play the entire Grassroots album. Best one by far.