
These hulks are sunk where there are no reefs, in order to provide fixed objects on which coral polyps can anchor, thus beginning a reef.

Offense taken lol

Chevy be like:

To boot: both of them were denied security clearance by experts whose job is to specifically determine who should have security clearance. Trump overrode that decision and gave these two security clearance, and now they use personal phones and emails to handle government business.

Lol that's literally the only one they have.

It’s because most of them have lived such privileged lives they have never needed any real world skills.

I know this is the DUH comment of the year but, wow, this administration is spectacularly bad at every goddamn thing.

Yea pretty much everything you complained about is what I like about the car.

Wait... you’re saying this is a distillation of the brand? And it’s sterile? You’re the person excited to buy the Z4 with it’s 8 million creases, aren’t you...

I think being a Honda would help it, though. Plus it looks leagues better than either of those.

I wouldn’t have a moment’s hesitation. RWD? Check. Maneuverable? Check. Attractive? Check (beauty is in the eye of the beholder, anyhow). Fun colors? Check. Lightweight? Check. Balanced? Check. Affordable? Yet to be determined, but that seems to be the goal, so a preemptive Check.

Yep.  We are in “shut up and take my money” territory here.  I love pretty much everything about this car and want one badly.

Dear Honda,

You’re a little late for permanent brain damage, that ship has sailed.

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

I really wouldn’t call having books in your bookcase “fetishize”, I mean damn...I like books, but not THAT much lol. 

This is one of the many reasons I’ll never “buy” a digital movie from Amazon. If I can’t store the media on my NAS, or slide the DVD/BluRay into my bookcase I don’t want it.

Another good reason to buy “real” books. As much as I love tech, when it comes to books nothing really beats an old school paper book (Bonus: They don’t run out of battery). I get that ebooks can be practical when you travel, but they don’t really add much to your bookshelf...