
The real crime against humanity is that hideous automobile made by Lamborghini.

I was about to say Centenario but now I feel like I need to re-evaluate my opinion after looking at it in some other colors.

Ain’t that the truth! Just look how happy they are:

There may be cars as ugly, but none uglier.

Anyone find it funny that FCA just cranks out ‘new’ special editions instead of actual new cars? I seriously don’t know how they are still in business and kind of doing well with that crusty old fleet and terrible reliability.

After we got home and pulled the twins out of the car; I drove it straight to a Dodge dealer and traded it in on a 2012 Charger SRT8.

Wait, you are concerned with reliability and you went with a FCA product? On the flip side, when my twins were born I dumped a 2015 Jeep Cherokee and moved into a Toyota Sequoia.

After we got home and pulled the twins out of the car; I drove it straight to a Dodge dealer and traded it in on a 2012 Charger SRT8.”

You are correct about the little things. Several years ago, I worked at Carmax. I was on a test drive with a client in a new Ford Focus (circa 2003). Everything was going fine until we made our first turn. As she activated the left turn signal, she said, “I don’t like the sound of that AT ALL.”

He probably saw his mistress and his wife waving at him up ahead on opposite sides of the road and he needed time to tell his au pair to duck down low in the passenger seat so they wouldn’t see her...


My keys are usually in my right hand. Where’s your god now?!?!?! :)

Kristen, I thought your complaint was going to be about Gillette. However yes I agree the button is pretty weirdly placed too. 

Left handed guy here says boo you.

It’s a truth no one likes anyone to bring up. It’s interesting to see how angry people can get trying to defend their right to spawn.

You mean to tell me that when people keep breeding like rats, it puts so much pressure on the surrounding environment that it causes that ecology to collapse? Wow, “shock”. And what? Now you have tidal waves of humans seeking livable conditions elsewhere and once settled, it’s more breeding like rats since you know,

Another clear demonstration of how our lives can only improve with increasing population size. Julian Simon will be along to explain this in more detail shortly. Oh, wait - he’s dead and doesn’t have to face the outcomes of his unlimited population growth advocacy.

Trump can mobilize EPA head Andrew Wheeler to solve India’s water problem. From the horse’s mouth:

It’s true! A digital payment option like a contactless card or Apple Wallet etc. is often considered the safest.  

Now we will have to listen to them never shut up about “they don’t make em like this anymore”.