
Sure, but not at this level. This is by far the most expensive military program ever created. Like I said, they will fix it, they have to. But how much tax payer money was needlessly wasted due to bad planning and/or corruption?

No, but how they created and run this program is the issue. Mainly the concurrent production, where you start producing aircraft with the idea of fixing them at a later time.

Not a Gran Coupe. This is a Gran Coupe. I’d rather have this one, which incidentally, is actually a coupe. 

That’s an Infinity, right?

Counterpoint, no they haven’t.  Every single BMW of the last 20 years with maybe the exception of the 1M has been a samey, tedious bag of shite from a styling perspective.  Awful, repetitive, unimaginative, middle of the road dross.

I’m sorry, but from the styling, that might as well be a Toyota Camry or a Kia Optima.

I just had a stroke trying to pronounce “Chevroyota-Nissundai”.

You’re riding in your fully autonomous Chevroyota-Nissundai. You’re not sleeping. You’re not drunk. You’re not reading a book or looking at your phone. You’re not allowed to do ANY of that stuff by law or you’ll be liable for anything that happens, or at least get a ticket. Because lawyers. You’re just sitting there .

No irony involved.

What’s the point of having Full Self Driving if I can’t sleep or have sex or get plastered while the car takes me somewhere?

I’ll just leave this here. I doubt anyone will see it, but..

I played on a co-ed soccer team with a dude who looks a lot like him. This guy’s “job” was playing online poker, and apparently he kept all of his winning in the account of whatever sketchy, off-shore website he played on. At some point during the Obama era, there was a crackdown on accessing these offshore gambling

“I did it all for the racist propaganda” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it

It’s a 2018 update of Escape (The Pina Colada Song).

Looking at the thumnail, I first thought this was a dating site for Limp Bizkit fans.

That dude in the header image has definitely gotten into multiple fights at slow-pitch softball tournaments.

Prediction: at least two progressives trying to troll lonely Cult 45 members will accidentally catfish each other and find a legitimate connection on this site when they figure it out

Looking at the thumnail, I first thought this was a dating site for Limp Bizkit fans.

You’d think that these people would already know how to get in contact with their cousins and wouldn’t need a service for that.

You lucky, lucky bastard. I have family that are Trump supporters. To be fair, I don’t know how many of them are smart and organized enough to have ever voted, but they unequivocally love the guy.