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Should’ve gone with their second choice:

Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

Oh piss off with your disingenuous misreading. The original post said “anyone who thinks they need a semi-automatic weapon for their own personal protection”, not “for hunting”.

He probably saw the last name and said, “Them’s latinos always crossing our borders illegally and gettin into mischief! Cotton pickin’ shame!”

This guy

I’m not a fan because no matter how much muscle you pack in, it still looks like the cut-off denim shorts of automobiles.

The worst thing is that he was cheating on Stormy Daniels...right?

Evangelical christians prove once again how hypocritical they are and how false their belief structure is.

Is he actually even a billionaire? I don’t think there is any proof other than his own bragging.

I slept w/you because I like you[r money].

“I slept with you because you eventually married Marla Maples, and she gets alimony.”

There’s a reason Trump wants access to mental health services reduced.

I slept w/you because I like you

We bought this car in a storage unit purchase. The car has been abandoned! We have checked the vin and it is not a stolen vehicle. It doesn’t come with any paperwork. We have a Automotive shop and were planing to do a Title abandonment but if we do that the price of the car will go significantly higher. A title can

Don’t people realize that the title is the form that gives you true ownership of the vehicle to register and use on public roads?

That is one beautiful babe, from those times when fascinating cars had curves like the beautiful women... not just a crapload of awful angles and sharp points like the supercars of today... but of course this is just my opinion.

Even covered in dust... those lines, man...