
All I saw in that fast cut promo was too few pedals.

Jay Kay,


Some garages are into the Big Black Charger...

As Jeff Bezos licks his chops. Amazon is pushing hard into auto parts now. And with how badly parts stores suck, I still don’t get why anybody would ever use them. Amazon everything. Rockauto is perfectly decent too. for the truly dealer-only stuff. And a few days waiting for stuff to arrive and driving

Protect our rights? That’s just crazy librul commie talk! Its about guns and God and makin money and keepin us safe from the feriners!

Hey, whatever you do to be able to afford a Type RA is your own business.


North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

Alternatively, he had a raging boner from looking at the Tongan dude.

“I have seven dollars.”

It WOULD be adorable, except their stooge is President.

The maddening thing is that conversion therapy is just one of many anti-LGBTQ things he’s promoted. Just a couple years ago he was making front page news as governor of Indiana for signing the anti-LGBTQ “Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” The guy is not a one hit wonder of bigotry.

obvious fake. Where are they hiding the rest of the continents in that picture? On the other “side”? Please, globalist.

So would the VP.

“Cryptocurrency scam”? Is that like “the Department of Redundancy Department”?

Donks are cool

I’m gonna go give this a star, give this a star.

I guarantee LaMonte was listening to Wu-Tang when he said that.